Bark "Charlotte Harrison"July 1850 passenger listPlease let me know if you find a passenger that is an ancestor of yours. Thanks, Harold A Ralston. |
From New York Daily Tribune, July 15, 1850:
(Notes: Underlined words in document heading were hand written on form to fill in the blanks.
This passenger list has columns headed by; "Line Number, Names, Age, Sex, Occupation, The Country to which they severally belong, The Country to which they intend to become inhabitants, Died on the voyage."
All passengers were shown as belonging to the country of Great Britain and intending to inhabit the United States. None were listed as having died on board. Therefore, only the first five columns are shown below.)
"I, A.McIntyre do solemnly, sincerely, and truly
swear that the following List or Manifest of Passengers,
subscribed with my name, and now delivered by me to the
Collector of the Customs for the District of New York,
contains, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a just and
true account of all Passengers received on board the Barque
Charlotte Harrison whereof I am Master, from
Greenock. So help me God. Arch'bd. McIntyre
Sworn to the 16 July 1850. Sworn before me, C.
P, Church (sp?).
LIST OR MANIFEST of all the Passengers taken on board the
Barque Charlotte Harrison whereof A. McIntyre is
Master, from Greenock burthen 540 tons."
1, George Gunn, 40, Male, Tinsmith 2, Jean Gunn, 30, Female, Wife 3, Mary Gunn, 7, F, Children 4, John Gunn, 6, M, Children 5, George Gunn, 4, M, Children 6, Edwin Gunn, 11 mo., M, Infant 7, Dougald McKerrall, 60, M, Farmer (click to email a McKerrall descendant) 8, Jane McKerrell, 56, F, Wife 9, Hugh McKerrell, 28, M, Farmer 10, Mary McKerrell, 24, FeeM, Spinster 11, Janet McKerrell, 17, FeM, Spinster 12, Jane McKerrell, 13, F, Children 13, Peter McKerrell, 12, M, Children 14, Edward McKerrell 10, M, Children 15, Dougald McConachie, 30, M, Farmer16, John Ralston, 61, M, Farmer more information on John email a descendant 17, Isabella Ralston, 55?, F, Wife 18, George Ralston, 24, M, Farmer 19, Mary Ralston, 20, F, Spinster 20, Isabella Ralston, 18, F, Spinster 21, Jannie Ralston, 16, F, Spinster more information on 'Jane' 22, Ann Ralston, 11, F, Children 23, Helen Ralston, 5, F, Children 24, Daniel McMillan, 16, M, Farmer 25, Martha Ralston, 26, F, Widow 26, John Ralston, 6, M, Children 27, Mary Ralston, 4, F, Children 28, Derina Ralston, 11 mo., F, Infant 29, Colin McNaughton, 80, M, Farmer 30, Mrs. McNaughton, 60, F, Wife 31, Peter McDonald, 18, M, Farmer e-mail a McDonald descendant 32, Elizabeth McDonald, 32, F, Spinster 33, Janet McDonald, 30, F, Spinster 34, Margaret McDonald, 26 F, Spinster 35, Catherine McDonald, 22, F, Spinster 36, Arch'd. McConachie, 26, M, Farmer 37, Peter Watson, 30, M, Farmer 38, John Watson, 30, M, Farmer 39, William Watson, 26, M, Farmer e-mail a Watson descendant. 40, David Watson, 24, M, Farmer 41, Gavin Watson, 22, M, Farmer 42, Agnes Watson, 25, F, Spinster 43, Jean Watson, 20, F, Spinster 44, Isa Watson, 58, F, Spinster 45, Niel McMillan, 20, M, Farmer 46, John Lochead, 20, M, Farmer 47, James Reid, 70, M, Farmer e-mail a possible descendant 48, Margaret Reid, 38, F, Spinster 49, Ann Reid, 32, F, Spinster 50, William Reid, 27, M, Farmer 51, Elizabeth Reid, 23, F, Spinster 52, James Reid, 40, M, Farmer 53, Martha Reid, 34, F, Wife 54, Andrew Reid, 11, M, Child email a possible descendant 55, John Reid, 9, M, Child 56, James Reid, 7, M, Child 57, Catherine Reid, 5, F, Child 58, James McGregor, 20, M, Farmer 59, Archibald Craig, 52, M, Farmer 60, Agnes Craig, 50, F, Wife 61, Mary Craig, 13, F, Child 62, John Craig, 12, M, Child 63, William Craig, 9, M, Child 64, Arch'd. Patterson, 18, M, Farmer 65, Charles Armour, 20, M, Farmer 66, Mrs. Armour, 49, F, Wife 67, Mary Armour, 22, F, Spinster 68, John Mitchell, 7, M, Child (email a possible descendant.) 69, Janet Mitchell, 5, F, Child 70, John Ellis, 25, M, Officer 71, Mrs. Ellis, 25, F, Wife 72, James Ellis, 11 mo., M, Infant 73, William Ferguson, 24, M, Laborer 74, Robert Ferguson, 4, M, Child 75, John Ferguson, 2, M, Child 76, John Gorman?, 20, M, Laborer (This name is lined out, see total at end of list.) 77, Janet Alexander, 25, F, Spinster 78, Martha Ferguson, 6 mo., F, Infant 79, James Bowie, 56, M, Cotton Spinner 80, John Thorp?, 22, M, Cotton Spinner 81, Francis McKeich, 25, M, Farmer 82, Mrs. McKeich, 34, F, Wife 83, John Smith, 32, M, Farmer 84, Mrs. Smith, 30, F, Wife 85. Catherine Smith, 8, F, Child 86, Joseph Smith, 8, M, Child 87, Agnes Smith, 4, F, Child 88, Arch'bld. Smith, 2, M, Child 89, Mary Smith, 6 mo., F, Infant (90 through 121 are not legible on microfilm) 121, George Young, 27, M, (probably) email a descendant 122, Ann Young, 23, F, Wife e-mail a descendant 123, Eliza Young, 3, F, Child email a descendant 124, Jane Bennett, 22, F, Spinster* 125, Thomas Brown, 58, M, Weaver 126, James Brown, 22, M, Engineer 127. Mrs. Brown, 28, F, Wife 128, Mary Brown, 2, F, Child 129, Thomas Brown, 6 mo., M, Child 130, Mrs, Thomson, 20, F, - 131, Janet Thomson, 11 mo., Infant 132, Mrs. James Mann, 33, F, Wife 133, John Mann, 11 mo., m Infant 134, Elizabeth Bromnon?, 25, F, Spinster 135, Mrs. Eliz. Barclay, 50, F, Wife 136, Ellen Barclay, 15, F, Spinster 137, Christina McKenzie, 35, F, Spinster 138, Christina McKenzie, 10, F, Child 139, Peter Robertson, 24, M, Laborer email a possible descendants 140, John Robertson, 20, M, Laborer 141, Margaret Robertson, 27, F, Spinster 142, Jane Robertson, 50, F, Wife 143, Jane Robertson, 4, F, Child 144, Alex'r. Atcheson, 28, M, Laborer 145, Mary Atcheson, 27, F, Wife 146, Alex'r. Atcheson, 5, M, Child 147, John Atcheson, 2, M, Child 148, Helen Alexander, 24, F, - 149, George Vair, 25, M, - 150, Mrs. Vair, 23, F, - 151, _____ Vair, 10 mo., M, Infant 152, George Doig, 39, M, Engineer 153, Mrs. Doig, 30, F, Wife 154, Elizabeth Doig, 11, F, Child 155, George Doig, 9, M, Child 156, John Doig, 3, M, Child e-mail a descendant 157, Isabella Doig, 1 mo., F, Child 158, Arch'd.Yorkston, 30, M, Joiner email a descendant 159, Mrs. Yorkston, 29, F, Wife 160, Margaret Yorkston, 4, F, Child 161, John Yorkston, 11 mo., M, Child 162, William Lockhart, 31, M, - send email to a possible descendant. 163, Mrs. Lockhart, 29, F, Wife 164, Alexander Hutton, 28, M, Moulder 165, Mrs. Hutton, 27, F, Wife 166, John Turney, 38, M, Merchant 167, Marg't. Turney, 37, F, Wife 168, Rose Turney, 3, F, Child 169, John Turney, 11 mo., M, Infant 170, Peter Cairns, 31?, M, Laborer 171, Mrs. Cairns, 41?, F, Wife 172, Elizabeth Cairns, 5, F, Child 173, James Cairns, 3, M, Child 174, John Laurie, 59, M, Laborer 175, Ellen Laurie, 57, F, Wife 176, James Laurie, 27, M, Laborer 177, John Laurie, 18, M, Laborer 178, William Laurie, 18, M, Laborer 179, Charles Edbis, 26, M, Laborer 180, Mrs. Edbis, 26, F, Wife 181, Charlotte Anderson, 40, F, - 182, George Clark, 38, M, Spirit dealer 183, Mrs. Clark, 30, F, Wife 184, Sarah Clark, 10, F, Child 185, Thomas Clark, 6, M, Child 186, John Clark, 3, M, Child 187, George Clark, 7 mo., M, Infant 188, Lawrence Crane, 24, M, Brickmaker 189, John McCaw, 21, M, Laborer 190, William Wilson, 18, M, Laborer 191, George Duncan, 23, M, Laborer 192, Ann Mullen, 12, F, Child 193, Susan Mullen, 40, F, Wife 194, William Heavern, 18, M, Laborer 195, Marg't. Bradley, 18, F, Spinster 196, Sarah Bradley, 22, F, Spinster 197, Daniel Bradley, 17, M, Laborer (click to see more) 198, Catherine Bradley, 12, F, Child 199, George Bradley, 10, M, Child 200, Hannah Russell, 25, F, Spinster 201, Margaret Russell, 17, F, Spinster 202, John Colquohoun, 25, M, Laborer 203, James Coyle, 15, M, Laborer 204, Catherine Colquohoun, 22, F, Spinster 205, Ellen Coyle, 24, F, Spinster 206, Ellen Collins, 16, F, Spinster Email a possible descendant. 207, Ellen McCafferty, 30, F, Spinster 208, John McCafferty, 5, M, Child 209, Ellen McCafferty, 2, F, Child 210, Edward McKenie, 16, M, Laborer 211, Rose McKenie 14, F, Spinster 212, Jane Hagen, 14, F, Spinster 213, Francis, Walker, 21, M, Laborer 214, Margaret Walker, 21, F, Wife 215, Rebecca Walker, 10 mo., F, Infant 216, Thos. Banon, 35, M, Gardiner 217, John Taitt, 21, M, Shepherd 218, Ann Jane Gallacher, 20, Wife 219, Hugh Gallacher, 20, M, Spinster 220, Elizabeth Gallacher, 9 mo., F, Child 221, William Corbet, 27, M, Laborer 222, Jane Corbet, 24, F, Wife 223, Thos. Wood, 18, M, Laborer 224, Hannah M Queen, 20, F, - 4 Not Shipped 76, 92, 93 + 115 ____ 220 in all
"The New York newspapers indicate that the bark
Charlotte Harrison, Archibald McIntyre, master, arrived
at New York on 13 July 1850, 35 days out of Greenock, with a
cargo of pig iron and 205 passengers to J. Lee & Co.
"Concerning the vessel itself, the bark Charlotte
Harrison appears in Lloyd's Register for 1844-45
through 1874-75. She was built in Quebec in 1841, and measured
115 feet 3 inches in length, 29 feet 7 inches broad, and 19
feet 9 inches in depth. Her tonnage is given as 557 (1844),
557/578 (1845-1857), and 540 (1858 onwards). She belonged to
the port of Greenock 1844-1856, and to the port of Cardiff from
"Masters: 1844-1853 Archibald McIntyre, 1854-1855
Chalmers, 1856 A. Welsh, 1857-1860 Coward, 1861-1863 Griffiths,
1863-1864 J. Davies, 1864-1867 T. Morris, 1867-[1874] J.
"Owners: 1844-1846 Turner & Co, 1847-1856 Johnston,
1857-1869 Plain & Co., 1870-[1874] Davies &
"Intended Voyages: 1844 Liverpool-New Orleans, 1845-1846
Liverpool-St. Thomas, 1847 Clydeside-Demerara, 1848-1852
Clydeside-New York, 1853 Liverpool-[no destination given],
1854-1855 Clydeside-New Orleans, 1856 Clydeside-North America,
1857 Cardiff-Quebec, 1858 Newport-Quebec, 1859-1867
Cardiff-Quebec, 1867-1869 Cardiff-Cape Verde Islands, 1869-1873
"The Charlotte Harrison does not appear in
Lloyd's Register for 1875. She would have been 34
years old, the average life of a trans-Atlantic trader, and it
is quite possible that she either sank or was dismantled. The
institution most likely to have information on her ultimate
fate and possibly even a picture of her (although I recommend
that you not get your hopes up, as the "Charlotte
Harrison" was not an important vessel) is the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich,
London SE10 9NF, United Kingdom."
(This information supplied by Michael Palmer, Claremont,
Reference: National Archives Microfilm Pub. Microcopy No. M237, Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York 1820 - 1897, Roll 90, July 1 - July 23, 1850
List transcribed from film copy 5/17/1997 by HAR. Some parts
were not legible. Please advise of any discrepancies