Down to Peter Ralston, the ancestor, and list of family members on board.From The Evening Post, New York
Port of New York, August 19
Arrived Yesterday.
Br bark Tay, Langwell , (click on Langwell to send email to descendants), fm Greenock, 50 days, with 150 tons coal, to J Lee & Co. 193 steerage passengers. August 12, lat 41 16, lon 61 40, spoke and supplied Br brig Kate; fm Galway, Ireland, with passengers, bound to N York, short of provisions
(Note: Underlined words in document were hand
written on form to fill in the blanks.)
This passenger list has columns headed by; "Line, Names,
Age, Sex, Occupation, The Country to which they severally
belong, The Country to which they intend to become inhabitants,
Died on the voyage."
All passengers were shown as belonging to the country of
Scotland and intending to inhabit the United States. None were
listed as having died on board.
Therefore only the first five columns are shown
"I, John
Langwell do solemnly, sincerely, and truly swear
that the following List or Manifest of Passengers, subscribed
with my name, and now delivered by me to the Collector of the
Customs for the District of New York, contains, to the best of
my knowledge and belief, a just and true account of all
Passengers received on board the British Barque Tay
whereof I am Master, from Greenock. So help me God.
John Langwell to the 21 August 1840. Sworn
before me, H. Clunby (sp?).
LIST OR MANIFEST of all the Passengers taken on board the
British Barque Tay whereof John Langwell is
Master, from Greenock burden 512 24/94
1, Agness Turnbull, 42, female, none 2, Isabella Turnbull, 8, female, none 3, Donald McCrory, 72, male, none 4, Daniel McCrory, 70, male, none 5, David Anderson, 50, male, farmer 6, Mary Anderson, 45, female, none 7, Agness Anderson, 22, female, none 8, Ann Anderson, 20, female, none 9, Thomas Anderson, 19, male, none 10, Mary Anderson, 16, female, farmer 11, John Anderson, 13, male, taylor 12, Isabella Anderson,, 11, female, none 13, Andrew Swain, 22, male, none 14, Thomas McMurchy, 73, male, farmer 15, Mrs. McMurchy, 68, female, none 16, John McMurchy, 33, male, farmer 17, Alexander McMurchy, 31, male, farmer 18, Herman McMurchy, 29, male, farmer 19, Angus McMurchy, 27, male, none descendants of Angus 20, Charles McMurchy, 25, male, farmer 21, ?? McMurchy, 23, male, farmer 22, Dugald McMurchy, 21, male, farmer 23, Malcolm McMurchy, 19, male, farmer 24, Mrs. McMurchy, 26, female, " 25, Donald McMurchy, 12, male, " 26, Mary McMurchy, 10, female, " 27, Archibald? McMurchy, 8, male, " 28, Catherine McMurchy, 6, female, " 29, Thomas McMurchy, 4, male, none 30, Angus McMurchy, 1yr.-6mo., male, none 31, Peter McKinnon, 30, male, none 32, John McKeller, 23, male, farmer 33, Jane McKeller, 25, female, none 34, Peter Gilespie, 30, male, none 35, Catherine Gilespie, 28, female,none 36, Janet Gilespie, 28, female, none 37, John McKay, 47, male, none 38, Janet McKay, 43, female, - 39, Marg't. McKay, 18, female, - 40, Isabella McKay, 16, female, none 41, Mary McKay, 14, female, - 42, Amelia McKay, 12, female, none 43,John McKay, 8, male, none email a descendant 44, James McKay, 6, male, none 45, Janet McKay, 4, female, none 46, Peter McKay, 1, male, none 47, David Picken, 28, male, taylor48, Peter Ralston, 47, male, taylor more information 49, Janet Ralston, 39, female, none 50, Marg't Ralston, 16, female, none 51, Thomas Ralston, 12, male, none more information 52,Charles Ralston, 9, male, none read some of his letters 53, Helen Ralston, 7, female, none 54, Janet Ralston, 5, female, none 55, Peter Ralston, 3, male, none more information 56, John McGeachy?, 40, male, farme r email a descendant 57, Flora McGeachy, 26, female, none 58, Mary McGeachy, 11, female, none 59, Ann McGeachy, 9, female, none 60, Janet McGeachy, 7, female, none 61, John McGeachy, 4, male, none 62, Jean McGeachy, 2, female, none 63, Robert Anderson, 25, male, farmer 64, John Dunbare, 24, male, farmer 65, Catherine Dunbar, 26, female, none 66, Peter Ralston, 55, male, farmer 67, Martha Ralston, 49, female, none 68, Alex'r. Ralston, 26, male, farmer 69. John Ralston, 24, male, farmer 70, Peter Ralston, 22, male, farmer 71, Janet Ralston, 19, female, none 72, Martha Ralston, 16, female, none 73, Andrew Ralston, 11, male, none 74, Walter Ralston, 9, male, none 75, Jean Ralston, 7, female, none 76, Janet Ralston, 57, female, none 77, Jean Ralston, 63, female, none 78, Catherine Drain, 21, female, none 79, Janet Momson?, 21, female, none 80, Marge Momson?, 18, female none 81, Thomas McNaughton, 25, male, farmer 82, Mary Galbraith, 32, female, none 83, John Andrew, 29, male, farmer(email descendants) 84, Mary Andrew, 25, female, none 85, Elis'th. Andrew, 5, female, none 86, David Andrew, 3, male, none 87, Charles Andrew, 1, male, none 88, Alex'r. Johnstone, 50, male, 89, Robert Armour, 32, male, shoemaker 90, Charlotte Armour, 33, female, none 91, Arch'ld. Armour, 5, male, none 92, Ann Armour, 33, female, none 93, Ann Armour, 20, female, none 94, Donald Lamont?, 20, male, laborer 95, Duncan Taylor, 28, male, malster? 96, John ?, 23, male, molder 97, Mary McCough?, 32, female,none 98, Peter Morrison, 28, male, farmeremail a descendant 99, Dugald McKay, 17, male, farmer 100, Alex'r. McLean, 30, male, farmer 101, Arch'bld. Campbell, 50, male, malstr? email a descendant 102, Amelia Campbell, 40, female, none 103, Sarah Campbell, 16, female, none 104, Mary Campbell, 13, female, none 105, John Campbell, 10, male, none 106, Donald Campbell, 7, male, none 107, Duncan Campbell, 5, male, none 108, Arch'bld. Campbell, 3, male, none 109, Christina? Campbell, 1, female, none 110, Donald Campbell, 54?, male, farmer email a descendant 111, Mary Campbell, 42, female, none 112, John Campbell, 18, male, farmer 113, Sarah Campbell, 15, female, - 114, Donald Campbell, 12, male, none 115, Duncan, Campbell 10, male, none 116, Christina? Campbell, 8, female, none 117, Malcolm Campbell, 5, male, none 118, Mary Campbell, 3, female, none 119, Ed'rd. Ramsey, 60, male, farmer 120, Myrna? Ramsey, 60, female, none 121, Gilbert Ramsey, 25, male, farmer 122, Edwin Ramsey, 21, male, farmer 123, John Ramsey, 22, male, farmer 124, Neil McMillan, 45, male, farmer 125, Catherine McMillan, 30, female, none 126, Peggy McMillan, 6, female, none 127, Hazel? McMillan, 4, female, none 128, Mary McMillan, 2, female, none 129, Donald McMillan, 22, male, none 130, Wm. Greene?, 23, male, farmer 131, Neil Brown, 56, male, sheper? 132, Hugh Brown, 26, male, farmer e-mail a descendant 133, Dugald Brown, 24?, male, farmer 134, Brown?, 21, female, none 135, Nancy Brown, 19, female, none 136, John Brown, 16, male, none 137, Neil Brown, 13, male, none 138, Alex'r. Keadmon?, 22, male, none 139, Jean Tarpley/Lapsley?, 30, male, none email a descendant 140, Wm. Tarpley/Lapsley?, 2, male, none 141, John Tarpley/Lapsley?, 3mo., male, none 142, John Paterson, 20, male, none 143, Charles McKeller?, 38, male, none 144, John McNair, 30, male, none 145, Robert Craig, 27, male, none 146, Crawford Ritchie?, 23, male, ? 147, Mary Ritchie?, 30, female, none 148, Janet Ritchie?, 5, female, none 149, Mary McCallum, 3, female, none 150, Isabella McNair?, 40, female, none 151, Christine? McCallum, 13, female, none 152, Mary McCallum, 12, female, none 153, Marg't McCallum, 9, female, none 154, Arch'bd McCallum, 7, male, none 155, Catherine McCallum, 4, female, none 156, Susan McCallum?, 2, female, none 157, Rodger McDonald, 19, male, farmer 158, Nathaniel McCallum, 24, male, farmer 159, Alex'dr Duffie?, 51, male, laborer 160, Wm. Duffie?, 60, male, none 161, Mary McGregor, 20, female, none 162, John Ahearn?, 21, male, col??maker 163, John Craig, 46, male, bleacher? 164, Mrs. Craig, 48, female, none 165, Marg't Craig, 18, female, none 166, Robert Craig, 15, male, none 167, Sarah Craig, 13, female, none 168, Eliza Craig, 11, female, none 169, Janet Craig, 8, female, none 170, Jean Craig, 6, female, none 171, Mary Craig, 4, female, none 172, William Craig, 2, male, none 173, ?, ?, female, none 174, Ann Clarke, 32?, female, none 175, Isabella Clarke, 29?, female, none 176, John McPherson, 40, male, engineer 177, Lillian McPherson, 36, female, none 178, Mary McPherson, 9, female, none 179, Herbert? Mumaz, , 40, male, weaver? 180, Ronna? Mumaz, 37, female, none 181, William McCauley, 25, male, shoemaker 182, David Liddle, 38, male, farmer 183, Hugh McGonnele, 35, male, founder 184, Donald McKay, 29, male, flesher? 185, Donald McCallister, 65, male, farmer (e-mail a descendant) 186, Effy McCallister, 60, female, none 187, Alex'dr McCallister, 29, male, farmer 188, Donald McCallister, 24, male, farmer 189, Gilbert McCallister, 22, male, farmer 190, Catherine McCallister, 20, female, none 191, Effey McCallister, 16, female, none 192, Elisabeth? McCallister, 27, female, none 193, John McCallister, 17, male, farmer (e-mail a descendant) 194, F N Monhondy, 19, male, ? (Signed) John Langwell, Capt., 194 Passengers
Film copy was printed 10/26/90 by DCR, transcribed from print copy 4/1/1997 by HAR. Revised 5/17/1997 per viewed film, frame #1,189. Some parts were not legible. Please advise of any discrepancies found.
241The British Bark "Tay", Langwell master, arrived at New York on 18 August 1840 (the passenger list is dated two days later), 50 days from Greenock, with a cargo of 150 tons and 193 steerage passengers.
The "Tay" was a sailing vessel of 512 tons, built in New Brunswick in 1832, belonging to the firm of Smith & S., and belonging to the port of Greenock. She first appears in "Lloyds Register" in 1841. In the Register for 1841-1842, its intended voyage is given as Clydeside-Mobile; 1845-1847, Clydeside-Quebec; 1848, Clydeside-Calao; 1849, London-Valparaiso; 1850-1851, London-Panama. The entries in the Register for 1852-1857 give no port to which the vessel belonged, and no intended voyage. (Voyage and vessel descriptions taken from information provided by Michael Palmer, Claremont, California, April 4, 1997 )