Go to Ralston Ancestors' page.
A group of letters from relatives, written to Peter Ralston in Illinois, USA from-
Trodigal, 1849, 1852,
1873 and Campbeltown, 1850
Kilmaho, Scotland,1861 and 1865
Belfast, Ireland 1876, 1881, 1882. New York and San
Francisco 1864 and Ohio
A letter from Peter Ralston in Illinois to
Fleming grandchildren in Scotland.
(Letter to GGGrandfather
Peter Ralston in Illinois from his brother
Alex Ralston in Scotland. GGGrandfather
Peter Ralston had left Scotland in 1840 and in 1843 moved from
Ohio to Illinois. I have attempted to leave the spelling and
punctuation just as in the hand written letter, however I could
not make out some of the writing. Original letters are held by
Wallace G. Ralston of Argyle, Illinois.)
Outside of letter, addressed to:
"Mr Peter Ralston near Rosco,
Winebago County, State of Illinois, America. from: Alex Ralston, Trodigle, Care of Mr. John
Montgomery, Campbeltown, Argyle, Sct., N. Briton."
Aprile 11th 1849
Dear brother and family
When I wrote brother
William I intended
of writing to you very soon but hoping a change of circumstance
in the family I delayed till the present you may say that I have
forgotten you when pen and ink and paper has not reached you ere
now but often has mind crossed that wide waste of water that lies
between us as with lightening speed and imagination sees you all
as dear beloved brethren and children.
Martha has been complaining these two years past her
complaint comenced like a inflamation in the hip joint, first in
the left side but while there she was able to go about with the
help of a stick or croch and do some sewin and knitten stockings
the inflamation being over come and geting beter and having good
hopes of her being restored till last May it shifted to the other
hench with twice more violence and still increasing her
constitution all the while being good till these few months past
she was mostly in bed, the pain she suffered is indiscrible till
she became very reduced, she read a great part of her time at
books was resigned and submissive under the chastning hand of God
for whom he loves he chastens every son or daughter when he
receives for he designed her for his own glory in his heavenly
kingom though dearly beloved in our hearts the all wise God in
his incrutible providence saw fit to remove her by death on 4th
March at 12 O'clock being our sacramental sabath she departed
this life God commisian his Angel and bore away her spirit and
rose far above suns mons and stars to the realms of bless and now
tastes the joys of her Savior she longed for singing the praises
of redeming grace Unto him that loved us and washed us from our
sins in his own blod Martha was other wise modest prudent well
respected by all who knew her the rest of the family is all well
thanks unto God for his great mercies to us who are so unworthy
may his will be done
little Peter is now runing a bout a fine stout boy of a fair
complexion as all the rest he is the only Peter Ralston now in
Kintyre that I am aware of
Dear brother this is not all yet another mournful tale of woe I
have to relate our much loved and esteemed brother Duncan
(born 1791) is no more he departed this life on
18 March on sabath morning being their Sacramental Sabath very
suddenly he was complaining about a month scarcely his complaint
was a bile on the stomach but he got of that beter it was thought
but had inmflamation along with it and was geting considerably
beter he took a weakening on sabath morning when our Sister was
puting on her cloths but did not get them about half on till she
had to go behind him in bed to keep him in a siting posture, he
recovered of the weakness and was quit sensible this being about
7 o'clock in the mourning he wished the family all present he
said his saviour would soon come and praying much for him self
gave good counsels to his family and about 9 o'clock he expired
leaning on Helen's, he left orders with Helen a few days before
he died some money that they had in Bank secure it to her self
over every thing else, Dear brother in all these mournful events
may we have grace given to say the lord reighneth and may we hear
a voice from our graves saying prepare to meet thy God
fortunately their son Arch'd. is at home at present was agreed
for marriage the Friday before his father died but it did not
take place till eight days after to a young lady a friend of
McTaggart the tailor in the Longrow a miss McLean she kept the
books in the shop to Mr. McTaggart and it is talked that she has
some little money. Arch'd. is doing well at sea he was the last
voyage with London ship first mate had £6 S6? month away by
China and East Indies for 20 months and saved a deal of cash my
son Thos's.
(born 1826, died Australia 1886) is now with
Capt. McKechnies vessel sailed from Liverpool last Aprile went to
East Indies and China and is now we expect on his way home
we had a very good crop all over this last year with the
exception of the Potato crop which is still a failure which we
feel a great loss but we should be thankful we have them doing
better than many about the country being to the lighness of the
soil we sold a good many tons this year the price was from
£4 to 5£ per ton prices of all kinds is very low Bere
(barley) 26 per 48 lb. in winter but less now Oats from 16s - 18s
per quartes beans 14/ sweet milk cheese from 36/ to 40sh per ?
the greatest part of farmers is now making sweet mild cheese,
buter at present fresh 11s to 13s Horses are still high in price
a great many changes has taken place this year among the farmers
I refair to Provost Galbreaths tenants a number of them not
having leases he took the advantage seeing the land testing
higher this year on the Duke of Argyles Estate which is very
surprising with all our cheap markets and free trade low country
farmers still coming here Andrew Smith Moy lost his with
40£ advance to David Gregg Duncan Stewart Machrihanishlost
his and is let to three different men to John Gregg Rob't.
Cunningham Kilkivan an strangers
Rob Greenlees Craigs gave up
his and is for America Arch'd Mitchell Machrihanish gave up his
and was taken in few days by William Wallace with advance rent
John Gregg lost his and it taken by a stranger of the name of
Wallace at 300£. Lonnie
(Sammy?) Mitchell has
Dalbaddy and most of Balygreggan most at 100£ so you see
there is 400£ instead of 120£ Rob't Maxwell gave up
Ballochgair and Kildonald and is taken by a stranger with advance
of 20£ Rob't intends to abide by the grass farms and live a
part of the year in town Arch'd Mitchel our neighbor died last
week within days sickness David Donald died in winter with
lockjaw very suddenly Arch'd McDonald son of James died last week
Alex Ralston Aucharua is going to America I think he will go to
the wifs friends I have seen your letter you sent last to
William Fleming and was glad to hear of you all being well
George Brown is still in measure of health and gets a little
money from the church Cathrine McDonald is well lives in a small
house at John Gordon's old habitation receives ?? rates works a
little with John in ??? Our
mother is
much failed in bodily strength and the mind begining to give way
also but wonderful health she is still in her own house John and
family is very attentive to her she has plenty of money of her
own yet and gets from John anything she requires I send down
coals frequently to her Dear brother we simpathize with you of
the loss you sustained in the bereavement of the choise of your
early days and first love, may we all cherish the hope of our
much loved and departed friends who sleep in Jesus God shall
bring with him meting there in that place where no separation
shall ever take place I must conclude not forgeting brother
William and family I shall write him when harvest is past if I am
spared Elisabeth joins me in sending our best respects to you all
and enquiring friends and may the good will of him who dwells in
the bush? dwell with you all.
I remain Your Brother
Alex'r Ralston"
Typed copy of a letter to GGGrandfather Peter Ralston in
Illinois from his daughter, Elizabeth and her husband William
Fleming in Campbeltown, Scotland
[Note- I have added some sentence ending periods and
paragraphs where it would help. The hand written letter had no
paragraphs and only a few periods at the end of sentences.
Spelling has not been changed.]
Campbeltown 30 July 1850
Dear Father
We should have written you long before this but we hope you
will excuse us for our indolance in writing, we have great reason
to be thankful to God for the health we are enjoying in our
John and Jannet are at scoule. Elizabeth has not gone yet.(
Son John born 1842, Daughter Jannet born 1844, Elizabeth born
Our youngest is named Jean (Jean born 1849) for ant Jean who
has acked as a mother to Elizabeth at all times. Jean is a stout
thriving child she is running about. She is 13 months old.
Arch Galbreath that was farmer at Skerlling and I tuck the
leddels [ladles- a tax, originally on grain.] of the
Burrugh last seson at a rent of 230£. Our time is out the
first of September. It is not appearing to pay well on account of
a defincancy in the crops & prices being very low. There was
part of the barley as low in price as 15/ per boll. Meal about
16/ per boll. Beins 10/ per boll.
The 80 part is payed for Leaddels & farmers in jeneral allows
that the were a third short of crops that they have had some
years so on that account we are beat in our prospects. It will be
sold for another year in a short time if it be gotten for a good
sum chepper we will tray yett.
Elizabeth & I have always a strong noshon of seeing you
sometime but in stead macking our means beatter for going. This
year will make them worse and make us unable for going but is
hard to tell what a year will bring forth as we are short
The friends are all in good health as far as we know. Uncle
Alexd son Thomas was at home in the month of May last, he is a
stout heavy lad & appears to lack the sea well, he is off to
the East Indies.
The rest of the family are all well.
Hugh Mitchell is doing nothing but tacking a little drop now
& again.
Ant Jean is blessed with a famley of well duing. Doghters
Margaret keps a scoull which has a free hous attched to it where
the famley all resides.
Uncle Johns famley are all well. He is lick maney more of the
Kinteyer farmers complaining of hard times. I think if times do
not gett better John will go to America.
Ant Nelly is quite brisk turned since her hisbands Death. She
comes to Campbelton on a riddding poney that she has gotten at
full gallop. She hardly ever calls at our house.
Mr Boyd [probably church pastor] is in good health & is
still in a Loving frendly manner with his hearers.
We expect that those that emegranted for America this summer
will be across the Atlantick by this time.
We hear that John Ralston & Duggale Kerral is for
Robert Granlees & famley that was farmer in Craigs &
Granlees famley that was in the Rcem is Bound for Illinoys, if
they land near your place they will give you all the partickelars
about Kintayer.
There was a great many able young men left Kinteyer this
summer which is the time for a man to emigrate.
Altho we have not done our duty in the time past in not
writing oftnar we must be more attentive in the time to come. We
are always happy to see a letter from any one of yours.
Elizabeth was varey varey happy to sea letter from Thomas
& Charles and wishes them to write often. Elizabeth is at
times trubbled with a cold that fixes on her breath which casses
a shortness of breathing and if she gets hir falliged or weat it
is ready to trubell hir. It appears to be an inflemshon in the
wind pipe. It has troubled hir at times this some years
Elizabeth is happy to think that Ellen & Jannet will be able
by this time to kep their mothers house in order so you will not
miss Margaret so much.(Peter and Jannet's daughter, Margaret,
married John Picken in July 1849.)
Write us & let us know how Grandmother is after
Grandfathers Death. Which we hard tuck place after his arrivel at
your place.
Let us know Mrs Pickan and famley is coming on.
If any of the Lasses has gotten married.
We are sending our respects to all our Brothers & sisters.
Lickway to all ants & uncels & all inquering friends.
This leves our famley all in food health, hoping it will find
yours all in the same is the sincere wish of your affeconate Son
& Doghter.
The crops are lucking well.
Wm & Elizabeth Fleeming.
This is a virbatim copy of a letter written by his
soninlaw and daughter to Peter Ralston and addressed to him as
Mr Peter Ralston
Near Roscoe
Winobego County
State of Illinois
Said copy was made by P.W.Ralston grandson of said Peter
Made Dec. 22 1941
(Typed copy of a letter to GGGrandfather
Peter Ralston and
William Ralston in Illinois from their brother
Alex Ralston in Scotland.)
"Trodigal, January 7th 1852
Dear Brethren
It is now some time since I wrote you but how swiftly does our
days pass away and the events of Providence of his purposes
concerning each of us timeous can only reveal we are all in a
measure of health at present thanks be to God for his mercies to
us so unworthy our Winter as yet has been mild open with very
little frost as yet our Summer was very cold and stormy all over
we had in the month of September very fine weather but the rest
of harvest very wet and crop long of being housed I had it all
housed before the weather broke much a good many of our stacks
did not get a shower our bear (barley) crop was the lightest we
had since we came to Trodigal but the corn (wheat) crop was a
very heavy one all over the country. The Potatoes this year was a
worse failure than any since 1847 in the East of Scotland there
was a fine crop of them these two year bringing to Campbeltown
and as dry as meal and very large. We had planted widely these
two years but did me very little good this is now very trying
times for us farmers here now. I got no abatement of rent as yet
by promised some this next rent some of our Lairds tenants got
some these two years in some cases the interest of houses and a
trifle more my neighbour W. Lethan has tried them to take it of
his hand but is unwilling unless another tenant appears as
Dear brother it now revolves upon me a very painful duty to
inform you of the latter end of a respected beloved brother
John who departed this life on the
night of the 17th December. It is necessary that I should make
you acquainted with the way the all Sovereign God was pleased to
lay his hand upon him and number him among the things that were
on the 1st? of the month he was at the funeral of James Cordner's
sister in his usual health. We met in the town and had a
refreshment in Mrs. Browns old house and had a friendly
conversation for a short time, about two or three days after he
begun to complain his head and swet in his body for some two days
but rather kept it back but still on foot his head still more
pained with a shivering of cold he had to take his bed on
Sabbath. I did not know of his complaining to the Friday
following when at Provost Colviles funeral some of my friends
told me they thought it rose in the head at first it struck him
in his left eyebrew when I saw him it was some little swelled
Doctor Oliver had bled him a little at his first visit by his own
request and blestered several times after but with no effect his
eyebrews still swelling a little more I got down Dr. McNab to see
him he said it was purely Inflamation in the brain from which
cause rendered him unconsious of pain and unsettled in mind I may
say from a few days at first his whole trouble was all in the
head till his last hours which gave comfort to sorrowing friends
he became more sinsible both eyebrews very much swelled latterly
Every human medicine that was requisite for body and soul was not
awanting in his case but the purposes of God shall stand and it
becomes us fallen sinfull man to be dumb and open not our mouth
but with resignation to say thy will O Lord be done the Sentance
had gone forth and on the above mentioned night the Imortal part
departed the clay tabernacle and this world of sin sorrow &
suffering to a world we trust where sin has never entered sorrow
never known and suffering never felt, And on the 20 Dec. a
respectable company gave the favour of respect to the remains of
our esteemed brother to his last resting place at
Keel to mingle with the ashes of his first
choice We deeply sympathise with bereaved Widow and family of the
loss of a Husband and a father with ??many young children four
boys and four daughters Our prayer to God for them is to verify
his promise to be the husband of the Widow and the father of the
fatherless their God and guide through life and at death their
exceeding great reward. Dear brethren what solemn warning have we
received from the case of our departed young brother that warning
voice is prepare, prepare, for ye know not how soon or how
suddenly the summons of death may be put into Our hands. God
grant that this afflictive dispensation of his providence may be
sanctified to us all and as journeying nearer the end of our days
may we be more and more induced to seek the great salvation.
Duncan McGeachy our friend at Ormsary I trust will have reached
you in safety he sailed some now for the Illinois their Farm is
to be let this year but they are none of them let as yet the
Dukes tenants is getting some abatement this year from 5£
to 10£ 20£ & 30£ and as high as 70£
this is only one farmer at Lergyside we know have sales ? of
farmers now every week two this week Huie at Clonegart Borland at
Bulachgair only 3 years and next week White in Gartlosgan Donly
at Balergy & Mrs. Stewat at High Balergy so you may see that
the low Country farmers is lifting their wings but can not soar
very high they rather must creep away with very little cash
notwithstanding All the indulgence they got from the
William Fleming &
Elisabeth &
family is well we have not heard from them this little time all
the friends is well give our respects to all our friends you have
more there than we have here now
write soon that we may know how your are geting on I must
conclude hoping that you are all in good health wishing every
temporal and spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus I remain your
Alex Ralston."
(Transcribed copy of letter to GGGrandfather Peter Ralston
in Illinois from his brother-in-law in Ohio)
Springfield Township
July 13th 1853
Dear Brother
We received yours of the 9th Sept'r in due time and was very glad
to get such a great stranger as a letter from you. We had just
thought that you all that is all our Brothers, had with one
concert agreed to correspond with us no more
I say this as some of you there with whom I had a regular
correspondence by letter has failed in answering mine. I have
always made it a rule not to have it stop on my side & I have
also made it one, not to write two letters in succession to any
person when I believe they had received the first. I do not say
this in any way of complaint, for you or them may have good
reasons for not writing But I have always thought that when
friends were separated so that they cannot see each others
countenance, the medium of communicating our thoughts to each
other by writing in some measure make up for the loss. The wise
man has said "As the iron sharpeneth iron so doth the countenance
of a man his friend ". And if the countenance has such an effect
why may not our exchange of good wishes for one another by letter
answer the same purpose.
We must say it has done so to us, for your letter made us glad
for we had no communication from Illinois for several months
before yours came to hand.
In the first place we were glad to hear of you & your family
welfare and of your prosperity in general and in the second place
of the good crops, & price for produce and the health &
prosperous condition of all Brothers & sisters with their
still increasing families. And last but not least that Mother was
in her usual state of good health. And however much we were sorry
at the death of your Brother John it gave us great satisfaction
to know to a certainty about it for there was a rumour here that
he was dead but nothing we could rely on. His brother in law
Edward Brown had no account of it more than hearsay. It is always
less or more disturbing to see or hear of the head of a family
being taken away from their beloved partners & their little
ones. Yet it is a great comfort in such circumstances for the
bereaved to be able to say with the good Shunammite when
interrogated by the servant of Elisha about the welfare of her
family. He said "it is well" when her only child was lying dead.
How few is it that arrives at old age? And how many is cut down
in their prime. That teaches us that this is not our lot. That
here we have no continuing city. That we ought to look for a city
that hath foundation whose builder and maker is God.
We had great crops this season with the exception of corn which
was deficient & potatoes was only middling. The markets are
good Wheat from 75 to 80 cents corn 45c oats 35c Barley is low
45c to 50c Hay 9 to 11$ per ton, Hay was a great crop, Potatoes
about 50 cents per bush. Apples 50c to 1.00 per bush. We had
scarcely half a crop of apples. The hog killing is about over for
this season. They rated from $5.50 to $7.00 per hundred There was
not a great many sold at the later price. I sold mine last week
at $7.00. There are not many raised for sale hereabouts now. I
have always kept about the usual number from ten to twelve as the
milk always keep them until we begin to fatten, & in this way
they pay as well as any other thing. We have generally about ten
or twelve cows. We sold about 500 dollars worth of them last
year. I keep a regular account of all we sell of the farm &
also all the outlay. I find both amounts to quite a round amount.
If I had it not on black & white before me I would not
believe it myself. The greater part of the butter is engaged by
the year at 25 cents per #. It is a very handy article to market
it is light and ready sale, but it requires strict attention to
carry it on right, and considerable slavery so much harder that
we sometimes talk about quitting it. We have a good deal of out
lay, we have to keep a man all the year. The dairy system however
improves the land & that is my strongest reason for keeping
it. Beef cattle is very high about $6.00 per hun & milk cows
about 30 dollars. Rents is also getting up A good farm will rent
from 6 to 8 dollars an acre.
We have been all favored with good health since I seen you The
children often talk about their cousins who sent them the
presents. We will be expecting to see some of you before a great
while as travelling is done so fast & so easy now & will
be always getting more so.
I think you happened well in getting the land you bought so
convenient to you. We were very glad of it.
We were sorry to learn that the health of your worthy minister
was in such precarious state. We hope the Lord will yet restore
him to health & usefulness among you. I was much pleased to
see the effort you made for foreign missions, especially as I
thought when I was there that there was some among you who were
not very favourable to such projects. It is more blessed to give
than to receive.
Your old friend Mr Reid & family is well & is always
happy to hear of your welfare & Jamie McNair is the old
sixpence so far as it regards his disposition, his health is not
so good he is much afflicted with rheumatism. The church he
belongs to now has got an organ into it & you may be sure
Jamie is sadly galled with that.
In conclusion we wish you & your family a happy new year and
our best wishes for your temporal & eternal wellbeing. For
their mother's sake I would say to your children to remember the
meek & miserable & quiet spirit of her & as they grow
in years may they grow in favour both with God and man.
We had great rains since Christmas, along the creeks & rivers
great damage has been done.
Give our respects to Margaret & husband & aunts Jean
& Janet You will see them often
And now dear brother we must bid you farewell
Alex & Margaret Brown
(On the outside of second sheet is this)
Mr Peter Ralston
Roscoe P O
Winnebago County

(Typed copy of a letter to
Peter Greenlees
in Illinois from his brother-in-law Hugh Ferguson in
Kilmaho 6th Dec'r, 1861
Dear Brother
As we have wet and stormy weather for some time past, and not
much out work, I thought I would write you a few lines to let you
know that all your mends In this country is enjoying" pretty good
health at present, I was in company with your freinds the Armours
of Rosehill a few days since, they say they are getting along
pretty well, they have been driving a good quantity of potatoes
from the Largie Side for the last eight days, as there is three
vessels at the Quay buying, they are getting £5 per ton,
they expect they will get higher, as they will be very scarce
this season the most part of the farmers will have none to sell
the only farmer about here that will have any quantity for sale
is Mr Snodgrass Clochkeel he will sell about 100 tons and he is
getting above £5 per ton at present, the white crop has
been very bad this last season in general, barley and corn will
average 4 [lb] per bushel lighter than last year some of the
barley is so light they are using it for feeding cattle, price of
barley 251 per boll, oat meal is retailing at 1/l ld per St,
butter 1/ per [lb] the fanners in general has large Stack yards
but far deficient in quantity and quality You will be surprised
to hear of Daniel Gilchrist Balevain losing his farm, as it was
thought he had a good bargain, he was very foolish for some years
past and did not attend his farm his barley when took to town
only weighed 43 [?] per bushel and could not be used for
distilling purposes he is to be rouped out next week, and his
farm is up to let, Semple his Brother in law is offering to pay
his arrears and keep the farm but it is said he will not get it,
John Giichrist was getting on pretty well, but it is thought he
will have a dear bargain with his new tack of the two Balevains,
it is likely mid Craigs will be a letting in a short time as Mr
Hunter the farmer died a few weeks since, he had only 4 or 5 milk
cows and 2 horses on the farm and it was very high rented, there
is a new Laird has bought the farms of Drumore and Craigs with
the large house and garden, Mr Wilson Auchaleek is getting along
pretty [?well] he has got very lame, James does not appear to be
doing any good, he has done nothing on the farm for some years
past, and I may say nothing else I mentioned in my last letter to
William that Mary Harvey was going to get married to a Mr Bell a
supervisor he is expected in Campbn tomorrow night, and it is
likely the marriage will take place in a few days, I thought when
I wrote to William he was a Widower he is a young man and has a
sister keeping house and two boys of a Brother's lodging with
him, I mentioned in my last letter to William of our eldest son
John going to Glasgow to the engineer business, he did not like
Glasgow, and he has come home, and wishes to keep by the Work as
he thinks it much healthier I have not sent Archd' s boy to any
trade he has got a stout boy and is able to work well for his age
he is in the school still, and is a pretty good scholar I was
thinking if he was inclined to go to America he might get on
better than go to a trade in this country, and I will have no use
of him as I will require always a good ploughman, the last day I
was speaking to Alexr Wylie he was wondering very much you did
not send him the Cash, as they are very badly of: they were not
able to pay me any rent last year as they did not get as much as
they expected from America, I heard a letter of Archd Smith's
read a few days since, he speaks very highly of America, you can
let him know that his Father is in his usual way, Robert got his
shoulder blade broke a short time since, but he is getting on
pretty well with best respects to William and family compliments
to James and the rest of the family yours truly
Hugh Ferguson

(Typed copy of a letter to GGGrandfather
Peter Ralston in Illinois from his nephew Andrew
Ralston in Scotland.)
"Trodigal March 7th 1873
Dear Uncle
It is now some time since I wrote and few lines I in taking the
pen at this time I do so with a heavy heart As in letting you
know of the illnes and death of our dear Brother Peter I feel you
will be sorry as we all are. it may be you have heard already
through some of the friends but I think it proper to let you know
all the more so as he was named after you his Uncle
Dear Peter was in England in the town of Newcastle on Tyne in the
service of Steward McDonald, Glasgow he had been two years in
Newcastle and was getting on well. This last illness began with a
cold which entered his lungs he also had fever all of which ended
in Pulmonary consumption. He lay but on the second of January and
died on the 19th Feb. he sent us word and my wife & sister
Martha & my self went out to see him as the journey was too
long for Mother. When we saw him he was very weak I came home but
left my wife & sister with Peter but as he was getting weaker
I returned again to Newcastle. When it became evident that death
was in the cup I had the hard and trying duty of informing him
which he stood well his mind seemed to be thinking on the surety
We had several very precious conversations he told us he was not
afraid to die that the rock on which he rested was- Ye that
believeth shall be saved. Several passages & hymns I quoted
he finished and was comforted by them Hard as it was to part with
him we felt we could do so in the good will of a happy &
glorious meeting in a better world where the weary are at rest,
where the pilgrims that have laid aside their soiled garments and
be clothed with the glorious apparel of the Saviours
righteousness in that bright land of glory how precious that all
care shall be all yon all trouble shall cease perfect blessedness
shall be the fortune of the redeemed for ever and ever. Dear
uncle why should we grieve for friends lost in Christ they are
not lost only gone a little before. There shall be many happy
meetings in Heaven when all the children shall be brought home.
our sorrow at this painful dispensation is very much relieved by
such thoughts. We took Dear Peter's remains home to Trodigal and
buried him in his fathers grave in Keil, Southend. His body now rests down in
yon quiet resting place we believe awaiting a glorious
resurrection. Our hearts are sad our minds are stunned we shall
never more see his face or grasp his hand. we shall miss
fellowship and friendship but we hope yet to renew it in a much
more blessed place.
Mother is very much saddned by this event but she is wonderfully
upheld God's ways are remarkable his doing often mysterious May
we have grace Still to trust through all events is a trial
I hope your health is keeping good as you are now much advanced
in years. Peter was 26 years of age at his death life was short
humanly speaking Peter has left a sa?vour of good impressions
behind him few young men had got on so well in business his life
was strictly correct his life now closed here is begun we trust
in the land of light I glory to go no more? out.
Mother & wife join me in kind remembrance to all my cousins
and yourself Hoping to hear from you soon. aduie for the
Believe me your affectionate nephew
Ralston information at Wikipedia
Pictures of West trodigal in 2004

(Typed copy of a letter to GGGrandfather
Peter Ralston in Illinois from his grandson
John Fleming in Ireland. When GGGF Peter and his family left
for America, their oldest child,
Elizabeth married William Fleming and remained
behind, this is a letter from her son.)
"Belfast 1st Dec 1876
Dear Grandfather
As it is now some time since I wrote you last. I think you will
be glad to hear from us again- I got your last letter some time
ago and was glad to hear that you were in good health as also the
rest of our friends- I was in Campbeltown this last Summer during
my holidays- We were a long time stoped this season 3 months- of
course I got my pay for all that time but it is a loss keeping
horses so long doing nothing I put them on grass which is the
cheapest way of keeping them it also improves them- during my
stay in Campbeltown I called on the Sunday to see Mrs. Ralston at
her house in town I also saw her son Andrew at the same time She
seems to be very content in her retirement it was during the
harvest that I was their so they were very buisey-- they speek
well of all the crops this year except turnips they are but
mideling- I was in the Longrow Church when I was there They have
got a very fine new Church built a few years ago, I did not hear
Dr. Boyd I am told he hase got very frail and not able to preach
now- he hase an assistant who pleases them very well My sisters
are all in good health and getting on in the usual way- I supose
just now you will have a very considerable comotion in Politics I
see by the papers that the Democratic candidate is expected to
come very close on the Republican if not beet him- I dersay the
present government hase been guilty of some not very creditable
proceedings which will tend to damage the Republican cause at
present- But I supose it will not make very much diferance to the
general public which party gains the day. Something like us hear
although we have a conservitave Goverment at present I see no
diferance from when we had a Liberal Goverment This country hase
been considerably agitated this some time conserning the Eastern
Question It is the general impresion if the Conferance that is
about to meet does not satisfactorly settle the dispute this
country will be obliged to take side with Turkey- The people hear
have no liking for the Turk or Russian but as England's highway
to India hase to be looked to she is bound to assist the Turk
against Russian conquest which it is feared Russia is hunkering
after- it would be a grate mercy if the matter could be settled
withought going to war- Crops this year in the North of Ireland
are generaly good so that farm produce is reasonable in price.
There is a new branch of business comence latley between Canada
and this country that of shiping live cattle from there to hear
the cattle arive in good condition wan sell well the people are
well satisfied as they consider that beef is reasonabler on that
account I think that I have little more news of any importance we
all hope this letter will find yourself and all our Uncles &
Aunts in good health. Janet is often saying that she should write
her cousans She will write them some time shortly- we will be
glad to hear from you when you have leasure
I remain your grandson
John Fleming"
"Belfast 19th May 1881
Dear Cousin
I received your kind letter a short time ago, and was glad to see
by it that you are all in good health- I notice that you were not
very well yourself some time since but that you and your sisters
are now quite recovered is a grate blessing
I received your packet of photographs of yourself and sisters and
brothers we are certainly very much obliged to you for your
attention The photographs are all very nice and you are all very
comfortable looking. we think there is a resemblance between
Martha & our Grace. I am quite ashamed at myself in not being
more puctual in getting our liknesses taken before this as I
promised you- however I give my promises that we will have them
taken soon and one of each forwarded to you at an early date- I
also got your John & Marthas licknesses.
I have been considerably annoyed this some time back with
Rheumatism it attacked me about last Christmas first in the back
it then went to my henches knees and ankels although I am fairley
better I have not got clear of it in my ankels yet I think it was
a cold I got about last Nov. when we comence this seasons work
that was the origin of it. The place I am in I am so much exposed
to all kinds of weather I require to take care of myself
especialy when the likes of Rheumatism sets in My sisters are all
in good health and getting on in the usual way- an uncle of ours
uncle John a brother of my fathers died last Nov. of congestion
of the lungs he was a big strong man but he stood the trouble no
time he was not maried. he was a kind of caretaker of the
property uncle Alexander bought at Kilkenzie near Campbeltown
some years ago. uncle Alexander is in business in Glasgow he is
one of five men who compose the company of Baird & Garskey
they are very extensive iron merchants and employ about 11,000
men in the mines and above ground he is not maried either a aunt
of ours Aunt Florey? keeps the house he built at Kilkenzie for
him he goes down there occationaly he resides mostly in Glasgow
There is another brother of my Fathers in business in Glasgow he
is a bonded warehouse keeper he is maried and hase two sons There
is also Uncle Samuel who went to New Zeland about the time my
father came to Belfast so that I can't remember having seen him
he is maried there and has a family the other friends living is
Aunt Mary she is maried to a schoolmaster called McDonald they
live at Kilkenzie they have no family and Aunt Elizabeth she
lives in the town of Ayr with her son he is in the iron business
her man died about the time my father died his name was John
Watson I stoped with her for a time when I was serving my
apprenticeship in Glasgow she lived in Glasgow then thought I
might mention the above as possibly you are not very well
aquainted with the history of the Flemings- The only other partys
we call on when in Scotland is Mrs. Ralston late of Trodigal and
her son Andrew he has Trodigal now they are always very glad to
see us and makes us very welcome we do not go across very often
perhaps once in the two or three years
I will write uncle
Charles some of
these days. I ought to have answered his letter before this In
his letter he states that he hase joined the Baptist Church I
think by the tone of his letter that he is something of a
revivalist it is a good thing to see people in satisfactory tone
of mind in religious matters, it seems Uncle Peter is along with
him and hase share of the land when you are writing us again I
would like if you would let me know what she is uncle Charles
wife as we do not know anything about her people likes to hear a
little of their friends- I suspect the place they are settled in'
(Kansas) 'is very warm in sumer as it is much further south than
you are- We had like yourself a very severe winter the frost and
snow lasted very long indeed up till two or three weeks ago we
had very keen frosts at night- the weather however was favourable
for getting in the crops. last years crops being so abundant
prices ranged very much lower than for the few years previous- I
hope this letter will find yourself your mother and sisters as
also your brothers in good health give our best respects to any
of our friends you may see
yours your Cousin
John Fleming"
(Typed copy of a letter To Grandpa
Peter W. Ralston in Illinois from cousin John
Fleming in Belfast. Grandpa Ralston would have been just under 24
years of age and his father had died in May of 1879.)
"Belfast 2nd Jany 1882
Dear Cousin
I received your letter with check and forms to be signed by us
which hase been done and in sent back. I am sure you are glad
that you have got the business wound up- all I can do is to thank
you for your trouble and attention
We are always glad to hear from the friends that they are keeping
in good health and was pleased to notice that is was so in your
last letter-
We are all in good health ourselves and getting along in our
usual way-
We are now in the midst of a very severe winter hardly any snow
or frost but plenty of wind and rain-
There hase been a very grate loss of life amongst shipping-
wrecks hase been very numerous-
Trade hear is improving fast and people are now in much better
health as prospects are much brighter-
Since I wrote you last we have had grate comotion amongst the
Farmers. Government last Sesion passed an act for the purpose of
improving the condition of Farmers- Comisioners are now getting
heavy complaints and are in at least the grate majority of
applications reducing the rents 1/4 and in some cases to 1/2 of
the former rent I do not know whether this procedure will pasify
the farmers or not for there is a class in this country who do
not wish to be satisfied
I do not know what the people about your district think of the
proceedings at the trial of President Lincoln's assasian in this
country it is thought that the proceedings is a scandel If he had
committed the same offence in England two days trial at most
would have settled the case he seems to be very impudent
Give our respects to your mother & sisters wishing you all a
very Happy new Year
I will be very glad to hear from you soon again
I am your Cousin,
John Fleming"
Letter from Peter Ralston to his Fleming
grand children in Scotland.

Letter from Peter Ralston to his Fleming
grand children in Scotland.