Philo Belden news Items in Racine Advocate, 1853 - 1864
Racine Advocate, April 6, 1853
PBeldenWeekly_Racine_Advocate_1853-04-06_2 (164K)
Racine Advocate, November 1, 1853
PBaldenWeekly_Racine_Advocate_1853-11-22_1 (268K)
Racine Advocate, November 22, 1853
PBaldenWeekly_Racine_Advocate_1853-11-22_2 (105K)
Racine Advocate, November 29, 1853
PBaldenWeekly_Racine_Advocate_1853-11-29_2 (39K)
Racine Advocate, December 6, 1853
PBaldenWeekly_Racine_Advocate_1853-12-06_2 (142K)
Racine Advocate, February 14, 1854
PBaldenWeekly_Racine_Advocate_1854-02-14_3 (115K)
Racine Advocate, November 25, 1857
PBaldenWeekly_Racine_Advocate_1857-11-25_1 (47K)
Racine Advocate, June 3, 1863
Racine Advocate, November 25, 1857

Belden News items on Burlington Historical Site
Sources Event
RA 05-19-1852 Auction notice on property in village of Rochester in case of Lathan Cornell vs. Philo Belden, Mary F. Belden, Henry F. Cox, James Kneeland, and Thomas Edwards.
RA 11-01-1853 William Penn Lyon, of Burlington, nominated for Assembly, but resigned and supported Philo Belden of Rochester.
RA 11-15-1853 Rochester man alleged that some 60 illegal votes were cast in town of Burlington in favor of Nelson R. Norton, who defeated Philo Belden by a few votes in election for Assembly.
RA 09-04-1854 William Penn Lyon and James A. Belden (?) named delegates from Burlington-Rochester-Waterford Assembly district to Republican Congressional convention to be held at Rochester Sept. 6. RA 9/11/1854 - convention nominated Wyman Spooner for 1st district congressman.
RA 09-11-1854 Republican Convention for First Congressional District of Wisconsin was held at Rochester Sept. 6. Philo Belden and William Penn Lyon were delegates from the Burlington and Rochester assembly district.
RA 10-23-1854 Rochester delegates to Republican County Convention held at Ives Grove Oct. 14 were Levi Crawford, Philo Belden, Levi Godfrey, William Jackson, and James Tinker.
RA 09-11-1854 Republican Convention for First Congressional District of Wisconsin was held at Rochester Sept. 6. William Penn Lyon and Philo Belden were delegates from the Burlington and Rochester assembly district. Wyman Spooner, of Walworth county, nominated for House of Representatives.
BG 01-31-1860 Dwelling of Sylvanus Brainard, formerly known as Belden tavern stand, in town of Wheatland, about 6 miles south of Burlington, burned to ground on Jan. 25.
Jan. 18, 1860 Peter Forbes, Philo Belden, and others elected as directors of Northern Illinois Railway Co. (50 years ago column in S 1/28/10).
S 11-11-1863 Five Rochester men enlisted in Heavy Artillery, Co. A: Henry B. Wilson / Watson, Edward Belden, Frederick Coburn / Cahoon, William Bradley, and George Wade. S 11/18/1863 - Farewell party for volunteers: H. B. Watson, G. P. Wade, William Bradley, T. H. Cady, Robert Waddle, W. H. Waddle, F. G. Cahoon, Edward Belden, George T. Kirby, Judson Coffin, and Charles and George Page of Waterford.
S 06-28-1865 List of lands sold in 1863 for nonpayment of taxes of 1862. Village of Rochester names include Stillman Moulton, Conrade Kremple, James Airey, Orrin Berry, Belden and Hurlbut.
S 07-05-1865 Philo Belden of Rochester was president of the day and Rochester furnished one of the guns in the Waterford procession at 4th of July celebration in Burlington, which nearly 7,000 people attended. Toasts offered at soldiers' dinner listed.
S 09-14-1889 Philo Belden obit said he built and operated first sawmill in Racine County in 1840 and 4 years later set up first flouring mill in County. However, Burlington had such mills earlier.
F 05-01-1895 Dr. Gates moved to Belden house on east side, Rochester; Dr. Alleman, of Waterford, to occupy the place vacated by Gates.
S 09-22-1900 Mr. Rose bought out A. O. Belden's blacksmith business and J. Dobson's house at Rochester.
S 03-14-1903 Jim Brook bought 1 acre of Belden farm near Rochester from Fred Wiemer and will build residence.
F 02-10-1904 Joseph Squire and wife to occupy the old Belden farm house at Rochester while building a new house.
S 10-28-1905 L. J. Smith injunction case against municipal electric light plant argued in Racine; Judge Belden took case under advisement.
S 04-08-1910 Wisconsin Supreme Court affirmed Judge Belden's decision in Milwaukee Light, Heat & Traction Co. case against Ela - Rochester. S 6/10/10 - Supreme court upheld Belden in Ela Co. case. S 7/15/10 - commissioners appointed in right-of-way condemnation proceeding of Ela Co.
S 04-08-1910 Wisconsin Supreme Court affirmed but partly modified Judge Belden's decision in Burlington Electric Light & Power Co.'s case against Milwaukee Light, Heat & Traction Co.
S 01-12-1912 Abial Whitman-Farr house on hill at Rochester, owned by Judge E. B. Belden, closed for winter; first time since house was built in 1850 by Whitman.
F 03-26-1913 Judge E. B. Belden bought old church property in Rochester and will have church removed. Also in S 3/28/13 - Old church on hill built in 1845 and used until 1903.
S 09-25-1914 Ellsworth Burnett Belden deeded property in block 12, Rochester, to Hattie M. Belden.
F 06-13-1918 Frank J. Ayers - Wisconsin Gas & Electric Co. case regarding clearing title to mill pond dam before Judge Belden. See S 9/7/17 entry.
F 02-20-1919 Nettie Karcher is admitted to practice at the circuit court in Racine. Also in S 2/21/19 - Admitted by Judge Belden. First case was divorce of Adam Jung from his wife, Ella, which was granted.
S 04-30-1920 Libbie Finsky - Ruby Spieker case: Spieker found not guilty of throwing missile. F 4/29/20 - incident occurred at District No. 5 school on Kenosha rd. S 6/18/20 - decision sustained by Judge Belden.
S 02-06-1920 Rochester - Old brick Congregational church on hill of Judge E. B. Belden to be razed. F 2/19/20 - old brick church, owned by Judge E. B. Belden, being demolished; about 75 years old.
S 01-16-1925 McCoy-Terhorst-Kenosha County case on trial. S 1/23/25 - McCoy awarded $17,000. S 10/23/25 - article on McCoy-Terhorst case. F 10/22/25 - Wisconsin supreme court upheld decision of Judge E. B. Belden in McCoy case vs. Kenosha County and John Terhorst.
S 02-17-1939 32 page section on Golden Jubilee of Zimmermann ownership of Standard. Articles / ads on: Judge E. B. Belden's reminiscences of 50 year period in Rochester and Burlington.
S 04-24-1942 Philo Belden farm at Rochester - history. S 5/15/42 - 57 acre farm bought by Olson from Wiemer estate.
F 01-22-1952 Robert Belden new teacher at Burlington High School; replaced Elizabeth Darden, who resigned.
F 06-08-1954 Burlington high school coaches - Moore, Vertz, and Belden - in photo.
F 02-23-1954 Photo of coaches - Gene Vanderbeke, Bob Belden, Dinty Moore, and Jim Seri.
S 05-11-1967 Leaders in 1800s series - biographical sketches, no photos: Ellsworth Burnett Belden, Henry Rector (Salem), Charles H. Thompson (Union Grove), Franklyn H. Nims, Charles A. Jones.
S 08-31-1967 Robert Belden's Canadian canoe trips to Quetico Provincial Park - article.
S 04-07-1980 Robert and Georgeann Belden house, 108 N. State St., Rochester added to National Register of Historic Places; built by Abial Whitman between 1847 and 1849 - photo.

Abbreviation Newspaper
BG Burlington Gazette. Newspaper published from May 14, 1859, through Dec. 11, 1860. The State Historical Society of Wisconsin microfilmed complete set of the Burlington Gazette, donated by the Burlington Historical Society. The microfilm is available at the Burlington Public Library.
F Burlington Free Press. Weekly Burlington newspaper published from February 22, 1881, to May 25, 1955. Available on microfilm at the Burlington Public Library, University of Wisconsin - Parkside library and on interlibrary loan from the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
RA Racine Advocate or Weekly Racine Advocate. Early Racine newspaper -.Issues from September 20, 1843, to November 19, 1844, in Burlington Historical Society files. Some issues for 1842-1846 and 1860s available on microfilm at Racine Public Library.
S Burlington Standard, Standard Democrat, or Standard Press - weekly or bi-weekly Burlington newspaper. Began publishing as Burlington Standard in October 1863. In April 1886, name changed to Standard Democrat and, in June 1955, to Standard Press. Available on microfilm at the Burlington Public Library (except for most of 1872 and some other individual issues). Paper copies of most issues from October 1863 through 1966 stored at Burlington Historical Museum, although many issues are damaged, fragile, or deteriorating. Microfilms may also be available on interlibrary loan from the State Historical Society of Wisconsin through a local library.

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