Peter William Ralston was born in Roscoe in 1858 and moved to Chicago soon after marrying Hannah J McAffee in 1890. He lived there the rest of his life, 1949. He had attended Beloit College earlier.
In June of 1879, young P Wm Ralston age 21, upon the death of
his father Thomas, was appointed co-administrator of the
Farming became his occupation.
In addition to his mother, Jane age 44, he had four younger
sisters and one younger brother to help provide for: Janette 19,
Isabelle 16, Martha 14, John 11, Elizabeth 6.
The farm
ledger books provide some details of what life was like for
In 1887, when his brother John was 19 years old, he enrolled at Beloit Academy. He graduated June 17, 1890.
He married Hannah J. McAffee, daughter of James McAffee and Margaret Cross, on 6 November 1890 in her parents Roscoe home.
In March of 1991, Beloit College archives assistant Erik
Anderson provided copies of Academy information and enrollment
![]() Winter 1887 |
![]() Spring 1887 |
![]() Fall 1887 |
![]() Winter 1888 |
![]() Spring 1888 |
![]() Fall 1888 No grades listed, probably did not attend |
![]() Fall 1889 |
![]() Winter 1890 |
![]() Spring 1890 |
A Beloit College Academy description states The Academy offers
several courses of Study
(The following table is a copy of a page from the collections of Kenneth McA. Ralston. Data was written in with pencil.)
Questionnaire - C&NW Railway Section A.A.E..
Salary and Position Record of P. W. Ralston
From | To | Position/Location | Monthly Salary | Remarks |
1910 | 1911 | Asst. to Village Eng. in charge of paving. Park Ridge, Illinois | $90.00 | On salary during working season only. Balance of years doing work on own account. |
May 1912 | Sept. 1912 | Charge of Paving & Sewering. Cent. Mf. Dept. Chicago. | $100.00 | Discharged acct. work completed. |
July 1913 | Dec. 1913 | Charge of Laying out New Town site at Kincaid. Taylorville, Ill. | $100.00 | Discharged acct. work completed. |
1914 | 1915 | - | No regular salary. | Doing odd jobs surveying, own account |
June 1916 | Dec. 1916 | Asst. to Village Eng. Charge of paving. Arlington Heights, Ill. | $100.00 | Discharged end working season. |
July 1917 | Dec. 1917 | Camp Grant. Inst. Man, Sewer Dep. | $125.00 | Discharged, work completed. |
Feb. 1918 | 1920 | C & N W R R | $105-$160 | Still hold position. |
Peter William Ralston
Surveyor Field Notebook
Field note book #3
The following is copied from a tan, hard cover, 5x8,
surveyor's field notebook..
Cover seems to be leather on cardboard. It has four columns
divided with vertical red lines like an account book. Entries are
in pencil including page number at top outer corner, only a few
notes are ink. It has 181 numbered pages plus 5 unnumbered pages
which contain notes.
There is a business card between page 34 and 35 printed
" P. W. RALSTON, SURVEYOR, 4328 Lowell Avenue, Chicago, Phone
Irving 3884".
The front cover is labeled #3.
The front inside cover, the next page and inside back cover are
stamped with red ink:
P. W. Ralston 2667 Lowell Ave
Chicago, IL
Street address number was later changed to 4328 Lowell Ave.
First inside RH page has a number of calculations written lightly with pencil.
Peter W. Ralston Surveyor Book #3
Date | Notes |
Page 1 November 1st 1900 | Transferred from division of Habours to Central Park Av. pumping station. Spent the day copying my diary kept while I was there during 1899 and 1900 before transfer to Harbours Division, into a book for Mr. Samuel, Engineer in charge. John Senertson, Rodman. |
Page 2 November 2 1900 | Transferred from C. P. Av. Pumping Stn. to Water pipe extension at Stockyards, where pipes in the street are being stopped to discover whether there are any illicit use of water. Found Mr. Hargin at Packer Av. just North of Exchange Av. about 11:00AM. Most of the workmen were at work in Packers Av. North of Exchange Av. 4 or 5 were at 45 Place and Central. James Pye foreman here. Michael Yahan general foreman. Wiers and McHugh foremen at Packers Av. Nothing irregular found today. |
Page 3 November 3 1900 | On Huguenot at little after 9:00AM. Horgan was at City Hall in morning to draw pay. Traced 8" main (1.34 ft.) in from to valve in Central Av. where the main curves to South. A pipe crosses under it NW by + by at Central Av. about 6.5 ft. West and 4 ½ ft. North of said valve. (There is a small sketch here showing this.) At the south side of the engine house in Packers Av. North of Transitan? a + was found beyond the meter. Also a 3/4" lead pipe leading East from under the meter, supplying the Fire Engine House with water, as it proved when the valve on it was closed. I could not be traced farther west than the meter, as it was under the meter. (Another sketch located here on page.) |
Page 4 November 4 | Sunday |
November 5, 1900 | Part of the gang at work on 39th St. in back of Fowler. One gang at Loomis & Exchange Av. Here a 6" in Exchange Av extending across Loomis av. and connecting with a hydrant on each side of Loomis and running under the platform toward Swift's was discovered, an 8" under it runs N & S on East side of Loomis. (Sketch located here on page) One gang uncovering 6" pipe on S side 42nd av. between Justine & alley west, and pulling out part of it and breaking the rest. A 6" illicit pipe off the 12" main in Central av north of 45th Place was found to broken 12 ft. west of 12" main and plugged, workmen said it was soft and easy digging over to break. Found a 3/4" lead pipe off the 6" on the live side running into the brick barn on West side of Central North of 45th Place. water was (Page 3) running out of it at the sink. The faucet had been taken off and the hole plugged with a new wooden plug. We broke off the 3/4" pipe at the check valve, Jas. Pye foreman. Killan Nourse's man. |
November 6, 1900 | No work Election day. |
Page 6 November 7 1900 | One gang at Fowler on 39th St. Jas. Wiers foreman. One gang on South side 42nd Av. between Ashland Av. and Alley East uncovered and broke illicit 6" pipe on South side 42nd Av. Ed Martin foreman. With Pat chained from East line of Ashland to West line of Justine St. In the PM went to 39th at Fowlers to chain from Loomis to Packers. Found the gang had left so chained above from E line Loomis to east end of Fowler's building 601.6 ft. And from West line Loomis to west end of Brick building 153 ft. |
Page 7 November 8 1900 | This cold morning all of the men were at work 39th St + Packer Ave. Michael Yahan came to the place about 11:45 . No other foreman being in sight at the time, at a little after 1:00 pm, none of the foremen having shown up, Yahan sent the men home. Casey had a few men during the PM in the street between Fowler building (Packer Ave.).We found 2, 2" taps, one East and one west out of the 6" main in this street, also one 6" x 4" tee and pipe running east toward a meter on the east side of the street. Yahan and Hargan went uptown in the PM to civil service trial of a foreman. The foremen on the ground during the AM were Wiers, Pye, McHugh and Martin who was around during the PM. (These notes followed by a sketch of the street and building locations where 2 tees were in 6' main.) |
Page 8 November 9 - 1900 | One gang on 39th St stripped the 8" main as far west as the tracks coming in at the alley west of Packers Av. Nothing Illicit was found. Continued east from Fowlers building 39th St. to 9+60 marked in frame building west of Center Av. Located 8" main this far. One gang at work in alley between Angles American buildings (Packer Av. produced) several pipe were uncovered in places here, but nothing definite as to what they are or where they lead to. |
Page 9 November 10, 1900 | One gang stripped 8" main as far east as hydrant west of Center Av. Discovered 8"x6" tee at 8+26 with a 4" pipe leading south. Ed Martin foreman. One gang back-filled west to tracks at alley, and stripped west of tracks to about 1+25. A 4" main is here, this was also back-filled in PM, McHugh foreman. One gang was digging in (Packers Av. Produced) during AM, but discovered nothing definite, gave it up at noon, being too dark under platform and cars were in the way. Went to near Swift's offices in Packers Av. in PM. Horgen watched operations there, Wier, foreman. Snow during AM disagreeable, fair day PM. |
November 11 - 1900 |
Sunday |
Page 10 Nov. 12 1900 | One gang, Joe Pye foreman, stripped the 4" main in 39th St. to the reducer (6"x4") sta. 1+66. Found 4x4 tee at 1+59 with 4" pipe running south. One gang, Wiers foreman, at work in Exchange Av. between Packers & Central Av. south side. Found a line pipe running into building SW corner Cook & Exchange under smokestack. Martin's gang at work in Centre Av. north of Exchange, uncovered 12" main and 6" lateral running west under brick warehouse. |
Page 11 November 13 - 1900 | Pye's gang uncovered 4" pipe running south at 1+159, 39th st. to fence inline of buildings, back-filling in PM. Wier's gang in Exchange Av. found a 4" pipe running north at sta. between Cook and Packers Ave., valve 2 ft. from building, pipe dead north of valve, also a 3/4" iron tap running north 7 ft. west of 4" (above) broke it off beyond the check valve. This was on north side of street. Martin and McHugh were in Center Av. on 12" main, discovered a 12"x8" T plugged in end (west) also a 12"x6" cross plugged on east end and 6" pipe leading west, where the 12" main could not be reached under the tracks. A trench was dug on each side so as to find any pipe leading west under the warehouse (see yesterday) was stripped on west side of warehouse to beyond bend leading north, laborers were paid today. |
Page 12 , Nov. 14 - 1900 |
July 1918 Letter
Addressed to Mr. Kenneth McA Ralston, R# 1 Roscoe, Ill. Monico, WIS. July 18, 1918 with 1 imprinted 3¢ stamp, cursive hand written in pencil, from his father, P W Ralston
Monico Wis.
July 17 1918. (Wednesday)
Dear Kenneth:
I don’t know whether I wrote you that I was coming up here
or not.
Came last week Tuesday. We live in a bunk car. There are five of
us. We have it comfortable enough for anyone. I have charge of
the party. We are lining the curves on R.R. Set stakes on the
centerline for the track. The track is out of shape around the
curves, which makes the cars “ride hard” when the
curve isn’t regular around. And there is more danger of
cars leaving the track when it is crooked as that makes the cars
wobble from side to side.
I about a couple of days we will move sixty or seventy miles
farther toward Ashland.
Mama sent me this letter from Thomas101, the envelope and all.
You will send it back when you read it.
It was cold this morning and foggy. I expect there would have
been a killing frost. This PM it is fine summer weather, warm but
nice breeze.
When you write, send to Antigo the same as usual, mail is
forwarded from here to where we are. Keep good and well. Love to
all from your father
P W Ralston
1906 Railroad map with underline of Surveyor locations
Antigo is about 45 miles south of Rhinelander
Blue colored line is Chicago & North Western Railroad
Google map showing locations listed in 1918 Diary
July | 1918 |
9 | With Neal Holms, Harry Miller, Ted Duchac and Clarence Fetter. Went to Monico on No.117. Leaving Antigo at 2:15 AM and staked curve at Monico and curve North of Monico. (Monico is 40 miles north of Antigo.) |
10 | With Miller, Ducha, Fetter, and Bennett. Staked 2nd curve West of Monico. |
11 | Same party staked 3rd curve West of Monico, P.C. being 41.5 ft. East of East End of Bridge G-10. |
12 | In forenoon same party with Eugene Day re-staked curve South of Mill track at Monico. In PM Ralston, Burnett, Mills, Duchac, run out and intersected tangent on 4th curve West of Monico. Fetter stayed in to act as cook. |
(New page with same heading.) | |
13 | Same party worked staking 4th curve west of Monico. |
14th | Sunday all went home. |
15 | Same party staking 4th curve West of Monico. |
16 | Same party finished 4th curve in AM and run out tangents on 5th curve in PM. |
17 | Completed 5th curve in AM. Same party. PM staked 6th curve and ran out tangents on 7th curve. |
18 | P. W. Ralston went to Antigo in AM. Rest of party replaced broken stakes, and marked rails at stakes. PM full party completed work at Monico. Ordered Bunk Car, X251530. Moved to Mercer. |
(New page with same heading.) | |
19 | Took train No. 11 at 3:00 AM at Monico for Newbold. Staked curve west of Newbold. 6:00 AM-1:00 PM Took No.117 at 2:00 PM for Mercer. Bunk car arrived after midnight. |
20 | Same party. Staked curve at Mile Past 309. Party: Ralston, Bennett, Miller, Duchac, Fetter. |
21 | Sunday No work. All went home. |
(New page with same heading.) | |
22 | Party now consists of: Ralston, Bennett, Miller, Duchac, John Jicha. Fetter no longer with party. Staking curve 89 ft. North of M.P. 310. |
23 | Completed staking curve 89 ft. N. of MP. 310 in AM. In PM staked curve South of Carson. And started on compound curve 216.2 ft. North of H.B. |
24 | Party worked on compound curve North of Carson in PM. Rain in AM. Showers in late PM. |
25 | Worked on comp. curve North of Carson. |
New page with same heading.) | |
26 | Friday Party of Ralston, Bennett, Duchac & Jicha.Mills in Antigo today. Completed Comp. curve North of Carson, and staked P.C. and P.T. of curve one mile North of Carson. |
27 | Sat. completed curve 1 mile North of Carson and set P.C. & PT for 3rd curve North of Carson. Same party on Friday |
28 | Sunday No work. All at home. |
29 | Showery in AM. On PM Party: Ralston, Bennett, Mills, Duchac, Jicha Run trial lines on 3rd curve North of Carson |
30 | Same party Completed 3rd curve North of Carson in AM. Run out P.I. on 4th curve in PM |
(New page with no heading.) | |
31 | Party went to McNaughton on #116 - 9:09 AM and ran our P.I. on 1st curve North of McN. Returned #117 @:22 PM at McNaughton, Ralston went through to Ironwood and Bennett went through to Ashland. (McNaughton is an unincorporated community located in Oneida County, Wisconsin. McNaughton is located on Wisconsin Highway 47 northwest of Rhinelander, in the town of Newbold. McNaughton had a post office, which closed on May 21, 2011- Wikipedia) |
Aug. 1918 | |
1 | Party went to McNaughton on #116 9:09 AM. Train stopped at curve 2 miles No of Mc- to let party off. Returned on #112 at 2:20 PM at Mc- Ran out P.I. and measured P.T. + P.C. |
2d | Party went to McN- on #116 which stopped at curve 2 miles N of McN-Ran trial lines over curve which didn't fit. #117 stopped for us at curve |
3 | Party went to McN- Stopped at curve on #116. Staked 1st curve North of McN- and staked PC + PT for 2nd curve North of NcN. #117 stopped for us at curve. |
4 | No work. Sunday. |
5 | Party staked 4th curve North of Carson in AM. Rain at 10:30 AM. Came in. In PM Staked 5th curve North of Carson. |
6 | Ran out P.I. on 6th curve North of Carson in A.M. Heavy rain in P.M. soon after we got out there after dinner. P.W.R. went to Ironwood on #117 4:00PM from Carson. Rest of party returned to Mercer to Bunk Car. |
(New page with same heading.) | |
7 | Party completed staking 6th curve and Staked 7th curve. |
8 | Party staked 8" curve North of Carson - 1st curve N of Pine Lake. |
9 | Party staked 2nd curve North of Carson. This completes work to be done on curves. Mills, Dichac, came into Antigo on #112 taking their baggage and velocipede. |
10 | Ralston, Bennett and Jicha, came into Antigo on #116. Taking their baggage and tools. Bunk Car (X251530) was ordered sent to Antigo. |