Weekly Racine Advocate 1851 September 10; Fugitive Slave Law

Weekly Racine Advocate1851 October 22; Gatchels Hydraulic Ram

Weekly Racine Advocate1852 April 14; Water Rams

Weekly Racine Advocate 1852 December 8; Rams

Weekly Racine Advocate 1855 March 12; Marriage

Weekly Racine Advocate 1855 March 19; Burns death

Weekly Racine Advocate 1865 March 1; Jury duty

Goff News items on Burlington Historical Site
Sources Event
S 04-21-1870 William P. Goff of Yorkville rented Wackerman's stone (store?) house and plans to open Agricultural Machine Warehouse in Burlington.
S 06-02-1870 Farm machinery at Brick Store, corner of Chestnut & Geneva St. - ad. S 6/9/1870 - William P. Goff.
S 6/9/1870 Adv- William P. Goff.
S 06-01-1871 W. P. Goff & Co. - Agricultural implements - corner of Chestnut & Geneva sts.
S 11-27-1873 M. P. Petrie opened produce buying office in W. P. Goff & Co.'s agricultural depot.
S 12-11-1873 Messrs. Warner and VanPatten rented building occupied by Mr. Goff with his agricultural store and will open a place for cleaning mattresses, etc. S 4/30/1874 - Warner & Co. located in second story of Randa's store on Pine st.
S 06-11-1874 Business establishments commented on in this issue of 4/30/1874 - 7/16/1874 series included the following (partial list - for more, see other entries for this date): W. P. Goff, agricultural implement dealer, is on Chestnut st.
S 09-24-1874 Northwestern Tea Co. Agency - Goff's old stand, 3 doors west of Sheldon's Hardware Store - ad.
S 06-04-1874 Photograph taken by A. C. Moestue of reapers and mowers sold by William P. Goff last Saturday - photo is on page 34 of Meurer and Reed's 150+ Years book. Article includes names of purchasers. Buildings in picture include Exchange House, Arnold's Meat Market, and Lewis Konst's Saloon.
S 05-13-1875 Capt. Johnston took photograph of teams and loads of Champion Reapers and Mowers combined in front of Jones House on Chestnut & Geneva sts. on Monday when 24 farmers picked up implements from W. P. Goff. Photo in Burlington Historical Society collection.
S 09-23-1875 James W. Goff - wood for sale - 3 doors north of the Northwestern Tea Co. and 1 door south of N. May's Meat Market.
S 07-01-1875 James W. Goff prepared to do teaming; residence on Pine St., 2 doors west of John Edmonds - ad.
S 05-20-1875 William P. Goff ad for Champion Reaper & Mower (illustration) and other farm machinery.
S 05-25-1876 W. P. Goff making additions and improvements to his agricultural implement premises.
S 03-09-1876 J. W. Goff rented Nims & Voorhees yard near their planning mill, and is filling it with wood.
S 03-02-1878 M. P. Petrie to occupy portion of W. P. Goff's store for produce buying business. S 4/13/1878 - rear of W. P. Goff's agricultural rooms in Mrs. Schadegg's building.
S 05-24-1879 Burlington Green-House - Mrs. J. W. Goff - 1-1/2 blocks west of the Jones House.
S 03-08-1879 Edison phonograph exhibited at Baptist church by William Peck and James W. Goff.
S 05-17-1879 J. W. Goff erected green house at residence near fairgrounds. Mrs. Goff advertises plants for sale.
S 05-24-1879 W. P. Goff store, corner of Geneva & Chestnut St., mentioned.
S 03-08-1879 James W. Goff took agency for Singer Sewing Machines in territory formerly served by F. H. Grube.
S 04-24-1880 Fire at building owned by Mrs. Schadegg and occupied by W. P. Goff as an agricultural warehouse and by office of Levi K. Alden of the Democrat. S 5/1/1880 - details of damage.
S 06-12-1880 Joseph Wackerman bought agricultural machinery business of W. P. Goff.
F 11-22-1881 J. W. Goff again became Singer Sewing Machine agent. Mr. Hubbs returning to Milwaukee.
F 03-08-1881 James W. Goff, Singer Sewing Machine agent, moved office & residence to Dawson place opposite the Fair Ground Amphitheatre, two blocks northwest of the Jones House.
F 01-03-1882 J. W. Goff moved sewing machine business into rooms vacated by Caroline & Lena Klingele opposite the post office. S 12/31/1882 - Goff leased Klingele house on Chestnut st. for 3 years.
F 08-21-1883 Burlington Library Association organized; 75 books; located at W. J. (J. W.?) Goff store opposite the post office.
S 10-06-1883 Heirs of Mathias Klingele wish to dispose of 3 store buildings occupied by B. Foltz & Son and J. J. Foltz; the old homestead, occupied by W. J. Goff, on Chestnut st.; and frame dwelling on Washington st. occupied by Herman Wald.
F 12-18-1883 Thomas J. Cunningham & Henry A. Kies / Keyes bought the old M. Klingele homestead occupied by W. J. Goff & B. Foltz & Son.; will put up two stores in the spring. Also in S 12/15/1883.
F 06-17-1884 M. T. Hayes talks of opening harness shop in rooms opposite the post office formerly occupied by W. J. Goff. F 6/24/1884 - Hayes to open harness shop next door to B. Foltz & Son clothing store.
F 01-01-1884 W. J. Goff to go out of business; advertises closing out sale - same ad for several months.
S 11-23-1895 Henry B. Miller to succeed W. J. Goff at Wilbur Lumber Co. yard at Honey Creek.
S 05-29-1897 W. J. Goff taking a census of village so "city" can be divided into 4 wards. S 6/5/1897 - Census showed 2,489 persons in village. Census was reported by blocks so wards could be drawn.
F 10-23-1889 W. J. Goff and family moved from Burlington to Honey Creek, where Goff manages Wilbur Lumber yard.
F 05-15-1919 Charles Goff, 23, of Delavan killed and wife injured when train struck automobile.
F 10-04-1923 Dr. S. C. Goff appointed postmaster at Elkhorn.

Abbreviation Newspaper
F Burlington Free Press. Weekly Burlington newspaper published from February 22, 1881, to May 25, 1955. Available on microfilm at the Burlington Public Library, University of Wisconsin - Parkside library and on interlibrary loan from the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
S Burlington Standard, Standard Democrat, or Standard Press - weekly or bi-weekly Burlington newspaper. Began publishing as Burlington Standard in October 1863. In April 1886, name changed to Standard Democrat and, in June 1955, to Standard Press. Available on microfilm at the Burlington Public Library (except for most of 1872 and some other individual issues). Paper copies of most issues from October 1863 through 1966 stored at Burlington Historical Museum, although many issues are damaged, fragile, or deteriorating. Microfilms may also be available on interlibrary loan from the State Historical Society of Wisconsin through a local library.

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