Ralston Ledger Books

PWR is Peter Wm 1858-1949 m Hannah J McAffee Nov 6, 1890
JBR is "Nettie", Janette B 1860-1926 m to David McNaughton February 7, 1889
IGR is Isabelle and BGR is "Belle", 1863-1919 m James M Smith October 18, 1900
MJR is "Mattie", Martha 1865-1936 m Henry White January 28, 1897
JTR is Uncle John 1868-1945 unmarried
EHR and LHR is "Lizzie", Elizabeth 1873-1949 m Daniel McKay January 10, 1895
TCR is Thomas Charles. Unmarried 1876-1891
JR probably is Jane Ralston, mother

Tthree of the surviving account ledger books of the Ralston family are-
Ledger book 1879 - 1894 6x12, about 300 pages with 33 lines each, fair condition
Ledger book 1895 - 1917 7.5x12.5, about 200 pages with 36 lines each, very poor condtion loose binding and loose pages; probably kept by great Uncle John T Ralston.
Ledger book 1916 - 1930 8.5x14, about 200 pages with 40 lines each, very good condition; probably kept by great Uncle John T Ralston.

I have made another web page of the loose pages.

I have made a list of entries that seemed to me of special interest and they are here in a table format-
Mostly, the ledger books do not have Income and expense entries separated by type.

Date Item Page in book
1879 June 6 Jeane Ralston and Peter W Ralston having been appointed administrators of the estate of Thomas Ralston the following is an account of the resources and liabilities of the estate. Etc 1
1879 Jun 20 Bought pens .25 A C Burpee undertaker 59.50 2
1879 Jun 27 Sold butter 14.49 sold oats 12.96 Bought hardware $3.60 stabling .10 postage stamps 3.80 coat for John Ralston 4.50 pants shirt & hat 5.65 E H Ralston dress, hat, shoes 5.90 T C Ralston dress 1.25 2
1879 Oct 23 Lumber $14 nails $1 6
1879 Aug 11 Lumber $7.40 nails 0.75 4
1879 Aug 21 Nails 1.20 4
1879 Aug 29 Gang plow $30 coulters $3.50 4
1879 Sep 11 Nails $1 sharpening plow $1 5
1879 Sep 13 Lumber $9.50 P.O. Box rent 0.05 pew rent $15 6
1879 Sep 23 Painting wagon $5 repairing wagon $6 Lumber $14 nails $1 6
1879 Sep 25 Creosote 0.05 puty 0.20 6
1879 Nov 15 Paid D W Wooster for plastering 7.00, nails 0.30 7
1879 Nov 24 Repairing watch P.W.R. 0.25 7
1879 Dec 16 Paid for lumber 8.00 9
1880 Jan 16 Paid for one book 4.75 one storm door 1.50 11
1880 Feb 2 Paid G Peter chopping wood, 10.00 11
1880 Feb 5 Sold one cow for 24.00 11
1880 Feb 10 sold chickens 4.90, one cow 25.00 11
1880 Feb 13 Paid for shingles 3.25 Paid D W Worcester 2.75 12
1880 Feb 16 Nails $1.20 fork handle 0.25 lamp chimney 0.10 12
1880 March 4 Paid for shingles 8.00 13
1880 Apr 9 paid pew rent 9.00 13
1880 April 15 Loaned to A C Ralston 250.00 14
1880 May 20 Headstone 150.00 15
1880 June 1 H L Ransom doctor bill 21.00 16
1880 June 2 Recapitulation- Amount received 2668.51; paid out 2535.77; balance 132.74; Paid out 2535.77; in bank 700.00; expense 1835.77 17
1880 Sep 13 Book and tuition $1.40 20
1880 Oct 4 Repairs for windmill $1.73 21
1880 Oct 20 Sharpening plow 1.25 For PWR Exposition 9.50 10.75 22
1880 Oct 25 Lime and hair 1.20 door 1.25 nails and butts 2.09 meat 0..30 meat 0.50 for IGR 1.40 for PWR 1.00 22
1880 Nov 6 Board and tuition for IGR 2.80 [Isabelle Greenlee Ralston] repairs for windmill 0.35 for JBR dry goods .60 IGR 1.25 MR 5.12 EHR 1.75 PWR overcoat & gloves 16.25 JR boots 3.00 22
1880 Nov 10 Books for MR 1.06 for JR 1.07 22
1880 Nov 15 Tuition for IGR 0.75 3.25 22
1880 Nov 15 Slates for John R MR and EHR 0.63 Overshoe PWR 2.00 23
1880 Nov 16 Overshoe EHR1.25 23
1880 Dec 1 PWR dinner 2.20 JR shawl 3.50 IGR hood 0.90 MR corsets 0.75 TCR blue drill 0.40 Paid Albert Hamm 132.50 23
1880 Dec 12 Christmas presents 25.81 24
1880 Dec 13 Railroad fare 1.28 24
1881 Jan 27 G P Ransom, MD medical advice for PWR 4.00 JBR 4.00 25
1881 Feb 2 Rec'd for turkeys 19.00 26
1881 Feb 21 Rec'd for hogs 214.96 26
1881 Feb 23 Rec'd for Beef 5.00 Turkeys 7.83 Chickens 4.00 Photographs for PWR 1.25 IGR 1.00 MR 1.00 JER 1.00 EHR 1.00 TCR 1.00 27
1881 Apr 18 Paid Pew rent 7.50 30
1881 Apr 26 Sold one horse to John Waterson for note of $80.00 31
1881 May 12 Sold butter 14.70 eggs 1.80 32
1881 May 18 Sold butter 6.87 32
1881 May 21 Paid for stalk cutter 54.46 barbwire 8.40 groceries 2.45 sold butter 14.45 eggs 0.86 32
1881 May 26 Sold butter 7.51 eggs 1.00 groceries 1.00 barbwire 10.46 32
1881 June 18 Rec'd for butter 7.31 paid for blocks 3.75 96' rope 5.00 swath 0.75 whetstone 0.10 hoop iron 0.14 potatoes 0.40 stabling 0.10 Repairs Harvester 6.75 Repairs cultivator 0.45 34
1881 Nov 8 Rec'd for hogs $5.90 per cwt 758.74 40
1881 Dec 2 School 20.00 40
1881 Dec 10 Stove 5.00 Settee 14.00 coal 35.25 potatoes 9.60 40
1881 Dec 11 H Semon Exp 6.00, book 9.00, Blacksmith .50, Groceries 7.75 total 17.25 41
1882 Jan 3 School IGR 4.00 42
1882 Feb 2 Grinding grist 0.80 Rec'd for pasture 13.00 Rec'd for 90 lbs butter 9.30 43
1882 Feb. 11 Rec'd for butter 13.60 for eggs 1.57 43
1882 Feb 21 Cash JER 0.45 stabling 0.20 drill bit 0.45 Journal subscription 9.00 grinding grist 1.00 Rec'd for chickens 7.20 for butter 10.00 for 21 hogs 337.05 44
1881 Feb 22 Paid taxes on land in Boone Co 2.95 44
1882 April 15 Dentist IGR 5.00 JBR 0.75 oil 0.50 groceries 2.50 patent food 1.75 flower seeds 2.15 school IGR 2.00 cahoon pedler 1.00 stabling 0.65 47
1882 May 31 Bedstead 10.00 chairs 4.30 groceries 2.00 Rec'd for $400 deposited at Second Natl. bank 6.00 paid for 2 US Bonds 243.25 49
1883 Dec 10 List of fruit trees ordered $23.75 295
1884 Jan 15 Cutting ice 5.50 86
1884 Feb 27 Paid tax on part of Estate in Boone Co 1.91 87
1884 Mar 7 Paid taxes on Estate in Winnebago Co, land tax 52.15 personal property 9.54 88
1884 Apr 5 Paid cultivator 29.00 harrow 14.00 90
1884 April 21 Paid repairing cultivator 21.00 fifth shovel 3.00 90
1884 Apr 24 Bought 86-23 corn @ 0.60 per bu. 51.80 paid for raspberry plants 0.50 strawberry plants 0.75 paid for use of bull 5.25 pasture 3.00 paid subscription for American Agriculturist 1.25 paid for whiffletree 2.10 repairing boot JEK 0.10 grinding grist 2.40 postage stamps 0.10 91
1884 June 19 Paid wire 0.69 cash PWR 1.00 use of hog 5.00 music lessons JBR 2.50 music lessons IGR 2..50 94
1884 June 25 Paid 2 cord stone 24.00 corn 19.87 two case strawberries 2.06 D W Wooster mason 40.00 moving granary and raising granary 15.00 nails &sundries 0.65 mosquito wire 0.37 tacks 0.05 repairing boot PWR 0.80 94
1884 Jul 22 Caster wheel for binder 1.00 setting wagon tires 1.50 C. Stevens work 2.50 music lessons & dry goods JBR 3.00 music lessons & dry goods IGR 3.00 meat 0.93 96
1884 Sep 4 Admission to fair TCR 0.15 EHR 0.15 JBR 0.35 PWR 0.50 team 0.25 99
1884 Nov 29 Paid gun PWR 45.00 pack for same 0.80 shells 1.25 loading tools 0.50 powder 0.70 shot 0.70 wads 0.25 cash 0.25 stabling 0.25 dry goods JBR 8.06 dry goods IGR 8.06 boots & shoes JBR 3.25 dry goods JBR 1.58 dry goods EHR 0.35 drugs 0.60 dinner JBR 0.10 Christmas present 3.75 105
1884 Dec 25 Christmas ship entrance PWR 0.15 JBR 0.15 IGR 0.15 MR 0.15 EHR 0.15 TCR 0.15 106
1885 Jan 21 PWR on grand jury paid board 4.40 Rec'd for 11 days grand jury 16.50 paid for sewing machine 40.50 108
1885 Mar 21 Paid entrance for concert PWR 0.35 MR 0.35 EHR 0.35 112
1885 Apr 1 Stabling 0.10 sold eggs 1.89 paid groceries 2.50 pan & drugs 0.80 factory for house 2.94 dry goods IGR 0.98 dry goods MJR 0.67 shoes MJR 2.00 dry goods JR 0.23 coal 2.20 tea 0.70 cash PWR 0.40 112
1886 Feb 18 Paid taxes on estate in Boone Co 3.16 Winnebago 70.99 personal property 33.34 131
1886 Jul 28 Paid excursion to Lake Geneva 3.05 PWR JER 2.60 meat 5.00 142
1886 Sept 14 Paid stabling 0.25 cash PWR grass seed 0.35 Rec'd insurance, 40 tons hay burned, 180.00 146
1886 Dec 6 Paid lumber & posts for shed 176.00 shingles & rollers for shed doors 7.00 coat & cap for JER 11.00 cash PWR 0.15 flour 0.25 152
1886 Dec 20 Paid grinder 55.00 feed cutter 35.00 sheller 25.00 belt 5.00 cutter 38.00 kerosene 0.18 lickorice 0.05 153
1886 Dec 24 Shirt PWR 1.25 present D W Wooster against JR 1.25 present D W Wooster PWR 1.00 groceries 0.30 153
1886 Dec 24 Entertainment JER 0.25 TCR 0.15 MR 0.25 EHR 0.15 154
1887 Jun 6 Clothes for JAR 16.55 hat for EHR 2.55 hat for MJR 3.05 hat & shoes JBR 5.05 dry goods IGR 2.75 mending cuff button IGR 0.25 redeaming save 0.35 bonnet for JR 4.00 stabling 0.10 160
1887 May 31 Windmill for barnyard well, Holcomb Bros, Beloit, Wis. 40' tower, 2.75" cylinder, 10' mill $81.00 [loose sheet- completed May 16 order/May 31 receipt] 159
1887 June 12 Paid photographs JBR 1.25 stabling 0.10 cash PWR 0.40 PO Box rent 0.10 162
1887 Nov 23 Paid W W Budd, buggy wheels & stubs 24.00 H I Spawn work 10.00 buggy dash 4.00 Admission sociable JBR IGR JAR EHR W J Andrews 0.30 each 170
1887 Dec 14 Rec'd for turkeys 28.20 coal 8.75 groceries 1.70 pencil 0.05 Rec'd interest C Swanson 15.00 172
1888 Jan 8 Present for Dan & Jane Ralston IGR 0.45 MJR 0.45 sold eggs 1.98 sold chickens 6.52 paid groceries 0.63 stabling .010 soap JAR 0.55 hair cutting JAR 0.25 173
188 Mar 30 Paid JBR 400.00 sorghum 7.00 straw 8.75 pork 7.85 176
1888 May 2 Rec'd interest on $1,000.00 loan to Cunningham 1 year @ 6% 60.00 177
1888 May 5 Paid note given F B Cunningham for drill 58.00 177
1888 Jul 5 Paid for 228 #5 oats @ .35 75.30 rec'd for 11.12 wheat @ .75 8.40 rec'd for 2# potatoes @ 1.25 2.50 rec'd for sewing 4.00 180
1888 Jul 6 Stabling .05 street car fare .05 railroad fare .75 182
1888 Sep 13 Sundries .45 Cincinnatian Exposition PWR 33.14 183
1888 Nov 16 Paid stabling .20 meat Cummings & Richardson 8.70 burrs for grinder 1.25 PWR- shirt 15.00 overcoat 20.00 gloves 3.00 dinner .25 Scribner's Magazine 1.25 paid sorghum 4.25 seat rents 15.00 shoes JBR 1.75 shoes EHR 1.75 boots IGR 2.50 C Holmer 3.00 dry goods EHR dry goods for house 3.03 groceries 10.54 dry goods JAR 1.00 dry goods house 6.60 yarn & jacket JBR 5.60 pipes and handles 0.70 warp for carpet 0.75 reader for JBR 1.25 gloves for EHR 0.40 gloves for JR 0.45 lime and stabling 0.15 dr goods MJR 12.43 cotton flannel .28 yarn PWR .15 JAR .15 TCR .15 186
1889 Jan 1 Broom 0.20 Candy 0.15 nuts 0.20 powder PWR 0.40 Medicine TCR 1.50 medicine JER 0.50 190
1889 Jan 7 Medicine TCR 0.50 Shirt JAR 1.50 shirt TCR 1.24 Century PWR 0.35 Shimmy and handkerchiefs 0.33 Overshoes TCR 1.25 Shoes JR 2.00 190
1889 Jan 8 Paid C O Holmer work @$20 per mo, 120.50 190
1889 Jan 12 Dry goods JBR 23.24 underwear TCR 1.60 underwear PWR 0.50 Frame 1.75 paper 0.06 Dry goods, house 0.73 hardware 1.35 Christmas presents 1.45 collars JAR 0.18 Dry goods JR 1.69 Dry goods house 0.40 190
1889 Jan 12 Dry goods IGR 1.30 MJR yarn JAR IGR .15 stabling .25 picture mold 2.35 hooks .30 Scribner's magazine PWR .25 wardrobe hooks 12 .20 repair strainer .40 cash PWR .50 reed dividend on two shares Argyle creamery 10.02 dividend on cream 27.18 191
1889 Jan 14 Paid W H Shaw horse doctor 15.00 191
1889 Jan 22 Paid two barls apples 4.00 stabling 0.24 cash PWR 0.30 buggy apple trees and horse 9.00 covering dash 2.50 white locket 0.50 postage stamps & card 0.03 191
1889 Jan 24 Paid stabling 0.25 nails 0.30 invitation cards and envelopes 5.00 cash PWR Sold 15 chickens 6.95 paper napkins 1.50 lamp 1.00 groceries 9.65 191
1889 Jan 28 Dry goods house 0.24 paint 0.16 dry goods 1.22 lime 0.05 192
1889 Jan 29 Paid railroad fare to Belvidere 1.92 192
1889 Jan 31 Paid postage 1.44 192
1889 Feb 2 Paid railroad fare 0.50 cash PWR 0.40 century PWR 0.35 John L Ahgren cutting ice 2.00 Jeremiah Smith hauling ice 5.00 George Greeley hauling ice 5.00 192
1889 Feb 4 Paid shoes PWR 2.50 paid lumber 2.96 bolts 0.25 cash PWR 0.25 brooms 0.50 pepper 0.10 192
1889 Feb 5 Paid salt 0.10 tea 0.35 lemons 0.05 soap 0.05 193
1889 Feb 6 Stabling 0.25 cash PWR 0.50 lamp wick & chimney 0.25 two hams 4.69 200 oranges 3.50 bible JR 6.20 Dictionary PWR 8.45 193
1889 Feb 7 {Marriage of 'Nettie' Janette Ralston to David McNaughton} 193
1889 Feb 7 Paid 600 biscuit 3.99 two cakes & ornament 2.65 Robe JER 4.00 Robe TCR 4.00 Dress making JBR 6.00 collar PWR 0.25 lard .055 caraway seed candies 0.10 cash PWR 0.50 193
1889 Feb 9 Paid cash PWR 0.85 Kerosene 0.25 lard oil 1.00 meat 0.34 193
1889 Feb 11 Paid stabling 0.25 Sewing machine present MJR 11.66, JTR 11.66, EHR11.66 cash PWR 0.25 rec'd interest on $100 loan to Wm Cunningham 6% 46.66 194
1889 Feb 12 Paid tea 0.70 194
1889 Feb 13 Paid stabling 0.25 knife PWR 0.25 six copies Gazette 0.30 subscription for Gazette PWR 1.50 premium PWR 0.50 trunk 6.50 Belle 0.52 Martha 0.20 Lizzie 0.20 for house 0.20 rec'd for 8 chickens 3.50 194
1889 Feb 19 Paid taxes on land in Boone Co 1.55 meat 0.38 baskets 0.60 cash PWR 0.10 194
1889 Feb 20 Paid evener 0.20 194
1889 Feb 21 paid stabling 0.25 knife PWR 0.75 194
1889 Feb 21 Peck measure 0.15 paid NBR balance due on wages 50.00 and share in full of distribution 137.33 Paid IGR distribution 137.33 paid MR distribution 137.33 paid court fees 6.20 paid Gus Johnson money borrowed $413 and interest 2 mos 6 d @ 0.03 415.26 195
1889 Feb 22 Paid taxes Personal 11.49 Real Winnebago 59.35 thread 0.10 Albert Dahlgren work 1.56 Alex Colier threshing 22.65 overshoes for W D Andrews 1.25 mittens for " 1.25 mittens for JER 1.25 rubbers for MR 0.50 rubbers for EHR 0.50 195
1889 Feb 25 Stabling 0.25 dinner JTR 0.20 dinner PWR 0.20 195
1889 Feb 25 Holland Ferguson & Co mortgage JR 1.59 recording deed 1.10 tank heater 15.00 196
1889 Feb 26 House 0.85 Belle 0.25 Martha 0.40 J Thos 1.00 singletree 1.10 196
1889 Feb 27 Thread 0.05 envelopes 0.10 expectorant 1.00 licorice 0.50 196
1889 Feb 28 Nails 0.40 sold 10 hogs 3150# @ 0.04 126.00 196
1889 Mar 1 Postal cards 0.02 196
1889 Mar 2 Sugar 0.10 soap 0.25 kerosene 0.15, bucksaw 0.75 licorice 0.50 medicine TCR 196
1889 Mar 4 Nails 0.25 Martha 0.48 Lizzie dress 7.53 Ma sundry 1.74 Belle sundry 0.50 House 3.10 197
1889 Mar 5 Paid century PWR 0.35 197
1889 Mar 7 Stabling 0.25 nails 0.35 repair boots JER 0.75 cash PWR 0.75 W D Andrews work 5.00 197
1889 Mar 8 Paid W W Budd blacksmithing 13.00 197
1889 Mar 9 Paid dry goods boxes 0.50 keg 0.50 postal cards 0.50 Jas McCabe colt 15.00 pepper 0.10 197
1889 Mar 11 Izodont 0.75 cash PWR 0.05 197
1889 Mar 12 Stamps 0.26 entertainment IGR 0.10 entertainment MR 0.10 entertainment PWR 0.30 197
1889 Mar 13 Stabling 0.25 bobsled 12.00 barl apples 2.00 photographs EHR dinner PWR 0.25 rivets 0.30 Ax helve 0.20 rec'd for cream 13.26 197
1889 Mar 14 Sociable PWR, Sociable 0.42 EHR Sociable 0.55 JR 0.80 198
1889 Mar 15 Calf muzzle 0.30 staples 0.50 198
1889 Mar 16 Paid Heaven Our Home 0.70 Meet for Heaven 0.70 Life in Heaven 0.70 P.O. order JTR 0.05 total 2.15 Prime of House of David 1.05 Ben Hur 0.85 PO order PWR Napoleon Bonaparte 8,95 sharpen five plows 3.25 repair grinder 5.75 198
1889 Mar 17 Collection PWR 0.50 collection JR 1.00 198
1889 Mar 18 Salt 0.35 creosote 0.05 washers 1.25 198
1889 Mar 20 Boots JR shoes JR silk & starch 0.25 coffee 0.35 Sold eggs 2.66 198
1889 Mar 21 Castor oil 0.10 Belle 2.55 John 1.45 Willie 0.50 Ma 1.00 house 0.42 198
1889 Mar 21 BG Ralston 0.25 M Ralston 0.10 JA Ralston 0.10 Lizzie H Ralston 0.10 199
1889 Mar 31 E Ralston 1.00 M Ralston 1.00 I Ralston 0.50 J Ralston 1.00 199
1889 Apr 2 Blacksmithing 1.70 199
1889 Apr 3 Kerosene 010 TCR socks 0.23 2 lemons 0.05 Express on books IGR 0.10 express on books PWR books 0.20 199
1889 Apr 4 Paid wrenches 2.60 Trip to Kansas PWR 46.24 [His uncle Charles Ralston died in Lawrence, Kansas Feb 21, 1889] 199
1889 Apr 6 Century PWR 0.35 cash PWR .035 toothpicks 0.10 sugar solutions 0.30 199
1889 Apr 8 Apples 0.30 castor oil 0.25 axle grease 0.25 plow lay 2.80 Saleraties 0.08 cash PWR 0.02 199
1889 Apr 10 TCR pants 0.67 groceries 2.56 199
1889 Apr 11 66# clover seed 5.61 buggy neck yoke 1.00 flour 1.75 199
1889 Ma y 1 Jane Ralston 0.70 PWR 1.00 Martha 2.00 Lizzie hat 2.64 household goods 1.85 house 0.70 201
1889 May 8 Groceries 2.40 Masher 0.10 Jane R 0.22 1.30 IGR 1.98 MR 1.29 LHR 1.05 pumpkin seeds 0.19 IGR 0.15 MR 0.15 LHR 0.15 201
1889 May 9 Pepper 0.10 castor oil & jug 0.35 soap 1.00 rec'd for hog 1.75 202
1889 May 10 Repairing mower 14.00 oatmeal 1.00 oranges 0.35 lemons 0.15 cash PWR 0.05 rec'd for oats 22.68 202
1889 May 11 Sweet corn 1.00 admission school entertainment PWR 0.15 EHR 0.15 MR 0.15 202
1889 May 13 Bolts 0.06 cash PWR 0.25 202
1889 May 14 Nails 0.24 graham flour 1.10 repair harness 0.10 rec'd for rye 15.00 paid CO Holmer work 5.00 202
1889 May 15 Meat 5.00 candle wick 0.05 medicine TCR 202
1889 May 18 Paid C O Holman work 10.00 cash PWR 0.35 rubbers MR 1.00 202
1889 May 21 Sundries 1.78 magazine PWR 0.35 Rec'd for rye 161.14 203
1889 May 22 stabling .020 alcohol 0.40 203
1889 May 23 express on maple seeds to Delhi 1.10 stamps 0.10 sewing machine oil 0.10 F W Warner calves 7.00 203
1889 May 24 Railroad fare to Belvidere PWR 0.96 recording deed JR 0.75 stamp to return same JR 203
1889 May 25 Sack flour 0.60 N B Gaston Scale 32.00 nails 0.30 repair milk cans 2.25 601# barb wire 26.34 Jane Ralston 5.00 Lizzie 0.70 Martha hats 3.64 household goods 2.85 203
1889 May 25 Peter Swanson 200 posts 25.00 203
1889 May 28 sundry articles 0.67 Jane Ralston 0.115 Belle 0.115 Martha 0.115 Lizzie 0.115 203
1889 May 28 Paid meat 1.00 204
1889 May 30 Paid entertainment PWR 0.50 204
1889 May 31 Paid meat 0.40 liniment 0.30 envelopes 0.10 204
1889 June 1 Paid railroad fare PWR 0.32 repairing gun PWR 1.50 repairing shoe PWR 0.15 cash PWR 0.10 strawberries PWR 0.26 bolts 0.32 204
1889 June 2 Paid C O Holmer work 1.00 Belle 0.20 Martha 1.15 Lizzie 1.10 Butter 1.10 204
1889 June 5 Stabling 0.10 strawberries 0.75 paint 0.35 oil can 0.15 oil 0.75 Draft 0.10 204
1889 June 7 Paid stamps 0.26 204
1889 June 10 10 paid subscription for Chicago Journal 3.05 bolts 0.05 204
1889 June 16 Cash PWR 0.10 204
1889 June 25 Paid C O Holmer 0.25 Screen wire 0.33 204
1889 June 25 Tacks 0.05 Sold eggs 2.36 for house 1.32 B G Ralston 1.75 Lizzie H Ralston 0.45 205
1889 June 26 Paid soldering sprinkler 0.15 205
1889 June 27 Paid haircut PWR 0.25 brass tacks 0.05 205
1889 July 2 paid blacksmithing 0.15 205
1889 July 3 stabling 0.10 casting for tedder 0.40 Scribner's magazine 0.25 bed cord 01.5 bus cherries 2.90 2 fork handles 0.40 2 ferules 0.40 ink 0.55 205
1889 July 4 Drugs and medicine for horse & colt 6.15 groceries 5.00 205
1889 July 6 Paid Ephriam Allan horse doctor 2.00 cheese 0.48 cash PWR 0.30 205
1889 July 8 Paid 7# cherries 0.65 hat JER 0.15 repairing mower 0.20 205
1889 July 9 Paid leather for pump 0.05 206
1889 July 18 Sold eggs 2.18 paid graham 1.03 paid groceries 1.02 nails 0.30 emery 0.10 206
1889 July 19 Sold rye 84.20 paid salt 5.50 blacksmithing 1.20 Hat PWR 1.20 barl sugar and freight 30.75 Century 0.35 Recd of Chas Swanson pasturing 8.00 paid C Swanson threshing 2.00 206
1889 July 23 Paid stabling 0.10 cash PWR 0.75 suit PWR 16.00 Ma PWR 0.40 Bell PWR 0.80 Martha PWR 0.60 Lizzie PWR 0.18 Sundry PWR 0.85 206
1889 July 25 Sundry 2.75 John 1.80 Thomas 1.17 Ma 2.00 Martha 1.20 Lizzie 1.25, 206
1889 July 26 Sold calf 5.00 207
1889 July 27 Paid overalls JER 1.50 Show for TCR .65 show for PWR 0.85 stabling 0.25 candy 0.15 207
1889 July 28 Collection PWR 0.50 207
1889 July 29 Paid colt 16.00 207
1889 July 30 Paid bananas 0.25 pears 0.12 cash PWR 0.12 fly net 1.00 207
1889 Aug 2 Belle 0.10 BGR 0.12 Vaseline 0.10 207
1889 Aug 3 Towels 0.55 honey 0.13 cheese 0.33 lard oil 0.40 blacksmithing 0.65 207
1889 Aug 5 Paid twine 20.59 one set cultivator shovels 10.00 four harness tugs 8.00 cheese 0.24 Century PWR 0.35 repairing pail 0.35 repairing wagon wheels 1.00 207
1889 Aug 6 Paid leather 0.05 207
1889 Aug 7 Thomas 0.18 207
1889 Aug 9 Stabling 0.25 hedge shears 1.05 207
1889 Aug 9 Paid cash PWR 0.25 Jane Ralston 0.75 Belle Ralston 0.25 dry goods 2.78 208
1889 Aug 13 TCR medicine 2.00 TCR suspenders 0.85 JR medicine 1.00 208
1889 Aug 15 Paid cash PWR 0.53 cash MR 0.05 cash EHR 0.15 208
1889 Aug 16 Dr Shaw 10.00 starch 0.10 dry goods 2.81 Belle 0.62 Ma 0.11 Lizzie 0,64 peaches 0.90 cash PWR 0.10 208
1889 Aug 17 Paid Cliff Wilcox Strawberries 7.20 black berries 2.16 Recd for oats 14.66 208
1889 Aug 19 Paid stabling 0.10 repair binder 16.50 cash PWR 0.35 S W Treal for mortgage release 1.00 setting wagon tires 1.50 208
1889 Aug 20 Paid excursion to Devils Lake PWR 1.50 " MR 1.50 " EHR 1.50 cash PWR 0.66 " MR 0.38 " EHR 0.38 shawl EHR 1.50 209
1889 Aug 22 Paid groceries 1.66 1070# coal 2.40 209
1889 Aug 23 Paid Jeff Reed threshing 1.50, Horatio Reed " 1.50, Eugene Mathews " 1.50, Jo LeVoy " 1.50, Orton Horning " 1.50, Elmer Shaw " 1.25, Roy Newton " 1.25, Walter Frost " 1.25, cash PWR 1.00 209
1889 Aug 25 Stabling 0.25 cash PWR 0.45 209
1889 Aug 27 Thread 0.60 BGR 1.30 dry goods for house 0.88 209
1889 Aug 28 Cash PWR 0.40 furniture 12.00 209
1890 Feb 15 Paid J Love for drilling well 32.00 216
1890 May 17 Belle CLSO fee 0.50 carpet tacks 0.10 lumber for Milk house 14.74 Lizzie teeth 5.00 meat 0.23 groceries 0.20 219
1890 May 20 Flour 1.45 nails 1.85 thread 0.05 Sold seed corn P Swanson 1.800 219
1890 May 21 Knife for Thos 0.50, Dresses for Ma 1.30219 219
1890 May 21 Household goods 1.22 Belle 0.25 Mattie 0.25 Sold eggs 1.25 w. Soap 0.25 Tomato plants 0.07 2 lb coal 0.20 John 0.25 Stabling 0.10 220
1890 May 26 Varnish and turpentine 0.20 bottle sarsaparilla .50 sold corn P Swanson 10.50 meat 0.30 220
1890 June 3 Doc Shavo 2.00 Milk cans 0.80 flour 1.45 Reed for hay 1400 lb 5.75 meat 0.45 Fish 0.90 220
1890 June 7 Blacksmithing 6.70 Sold eggs 1.15 groceries 2.51 Jane Ralston 0.35 B G 0.75 Martha Ralston 1.00 Lizzie Ralston 0.17 220
1890 June 7 John Ralston 1.25 Household goods 7.45 meat 1.000 Blinds for hall window 1.10 flour 2.08 Rec'd for hay 3.35 Blacksmith 9,45 sack flour 1.45 tin sop 0.20 silk thread Martha 0.02 221
1890 June 8 Rec'd for board Mrs. Gnse Rec'd for washing 5.00 Mrs. Ganse 1.50 Sold 7 hogs 45.45 LHR dry good 3.43 hat 0.25 strawberries 0.20 Paid A E Cummings for colt 18.00 221
1890 June 17 Rec'd for cream 51.02 sold eggs 1.85 dry goods BGR 7.34 groceries 0.85 dry goods Jane R 2.50 dry goods TCR 0.60 221
1890 Jun 17 P Wm Ralston Graduate Beloit Academy note
1890 July 1 Jane Ralston 2.05 B G Ralston 0.62 B G Ralston present for Mattie 19.50 221
1890 July 11 Martha present for Mattie 19.50 Martha present for Mattie 3.07 Lizzie present for Mattie 0.25 Lizzie Ralston 0.65 John Ralston 0.25 221
1890 July 17 Sold 16 doz 1.60 221
1890 July 17 sold 3 doz eggs 0.33 cheese 0.20 222
1890 July 20 Household goods 3.43 oil 0.90 222
1890 July 25 Rec'd for board Mrs. Genre 25.00 " for washing 8.15 Paid carpet weaving Mrs. Welch 4.75 Elmer Shaw for work 8.25 222
1890 July 30 Groceries 0.58 Blackberries 2.38 Martha 0.60 222
1890 Aug 1 Martha 0.25 Belle o.25 household goods 4.69 222
1890 Aug 6 Silver knife 7.00 sold eggs 2.86 groceries 2.06 sold 4 heifers 65.00 F B Cummings for meat 5.73 Homer Spaton 7.00 Willie 0.17 Mattie 0.17 222
1890 Aug 10 Martha 0.05 222
1890 Aug 11 Thomas shoes 2.00 Mrs. Adams for groceries 12.35 b6 brls salt 6.90 corn & gloss starch 0.20 syrup 0.60 groceries 0.55 222
1890 Aug 12 Paid gasoline stove 17.00 can and oil 1.35 groceries 0.20 Hazelwood for meat 5.00 Recd from Mrs. Graus for board 10.00 222
189 0ec 15 Belle 1.71 Martha .85 Lizzie 3.38 house 1.25 Jane Ralston .56 Belle .56 Martha .56 Lizzie .56 groceries 1.28 224
1890 Oct 13 Bought of Andrew Ashton G B Ralston 3 table linens 1.50 Gossamer 1.25 3 Vests 0.75 1 vest 0.75 needles 0.05 pins 0.10 needles 0.02 3 ILet 0.12 total 4.14 ticket Receipt
1890 Oct 5 Bell car fair for Chicago 3.70 Martha 3.70 street car Martha .58 Bell .81 Martha dry goods 1.08 Bell Dry goods 2.89 household goods 1.55 Lizzie music lesson 6.65 Jane Ralston .83 Bell .12 Martha .12 seat rents 15.00 sorghum 12.88 3 ton coal 28.15 224, 25
1890 Nov 5 Kerosene .60 oil .75 picture cord .20 perfume .25 shoes Belle 3.00 household goods .45 molasses .10 Oil cloth binding .25 stabling .10 soap .05 ammonia .10 John .45 Thos 1.20 Belle .60 Martha 1.20 Lizzie .50 rec'd for cream 22.45 Rec'd from Mrs. Ganse? 5.00 20 bu potatoes 1800 groceries 1.20 Martha med .50 Jane R med .50 TCR med .50 226, 27
1890 Nov 6 Marriage of P Wm 'Will' Ralston to Hannah J McAffee Note
1890 Nov 18 Rubbers for BMR .50 for MJR .50 paid Budd 3.25 shoe polish .10 sugar 1.00 present for PWR- BGR 8.00 MJR 8.00 LHR 8.00 JR 8.00 IGR 8.00 present for Will from Jane R 150.00 bible for Will from Jane R 10.00 227
1891 Mar 6 Thomas Charles Ralston Death note
1891 Mar 7 Funeral expense 77.00 sold corn 2.69 paid George H for work 6.00 bought horse of George Hamilton 40.00 paid Mrs. Burdick 2.00 231
1891 April 22 Shrubs 45.00 233
1891 Aug 29 Rec for oats 50.00 paid Jo O McDonald for cattle 25.00 shirt pattern ).25 cod fish oil 0.25 sold 15 doz eggs @ 12 ½ 1.89 received for cream 90.04 sold 6 steers weighing 6400 lb @ 2.65 per 169.60 paid F B Cummings for meal 6.17 wheel barrow 2.00 celery 0.10 236
1891 Sept 3 Groceries 9.60 paid J Holland for work 25 Sold Nell 165.00 236
1891 Sept 10 Tumblers 0.50 sold eggs 1.06 groceries 1.51 dry goods 0.93 sugar 1.00 236
1891 Sept 18 Buggy paint 1.00 calico 0.70 fueling 1.00 stamps 0.25 236
1891 Sept 23 Sold two calves 6.00 paid sorghum making 3.91 cheese 0.45 turpentine 0.10 sold eggs 1.54 2 spools 0.10 pears 0.26 groceries 0.45 groceries 1.68 237
1891 Sept 25 Dry goods 1.68 peaches 0.85 shawl straps 0.25 237
1891 Sept 28 Calico 0.38 dry goods 0.20 green pepper 0.05 paid Oil & hominy 10.00 237
1891 Oc 1 Freight for butter 0.80 green pepper 0.05 237
1891 Oct 6 Fixing plow 1.50 fork 1.00 cream check 19.57 237
1891 Oct 16 Lumber for tool house 14.70 Timothy seed 6.69 blacksmithing 1.00 237
1891 Oct 20 Rail road fare .82 seat rents 9.00 237
1891 Oct 26 Bible Society 1.00 Black smithing 14.75 Sharpening the plow 0.50 sold rye 96.25 barrel salt 1.20 237
1891, Oct 30 J O McDonald for threshing $34.38 basket grapes 0.35 shrubing 3.50 237
1891 Nov 3 Sold 8 hogs at 3.50 $108.25 cream check 21.98 Cummings meal bill 6.09 238
1891 Nov 5 McTaggerts interest 14.00 oil cloth 1.20 cotton flannel 0.60 Mrs. Adams for groceries 6.65 Sold eggs 6.00 238
1891 Nov 24 Kerosene and oatmeal 1.00 coal 2 ton 15.94 lumber for kitchen floor 7.70 barrel apples 3.00 dry goods 0.85 238
1891 Dec 24 Sold 32 roosters 6.89 freight on box to Minn .30 Sending box to Caledonia .10 rec'd dividend for cream 16.89 Present Hannah and Willie 9.25 for Burdicks 1.75 groceries .40 Rube Shaw for work 2.30 Elmer .60 Clarence .60 239
1892 Jan 7 Rec'd for cream 12.60 sold 16 roosters 6.70 ax 1.00 subscription for Rockford Gazette 1.00 for PR 1.00 for American Agriculture 1.10 sewing machine needles .25 present B McDonald 1.25 Aunt Helen .85 Willie Andrews .15 Mary Andrews .15 drugs .75 stabling .50 240
1892 Feb 3 Taxes for 1892 $184.40 Hardens for cutting ice 2.50 240
1892 Feb 12 Saw dust & shavings 1.60 Taxes Boone woods 0.55 241
1892 Mar 22 Sold 161 bu. oats 73.71 sold horse Hamlin 40.00 rec'd for cream 50.77 paid for 300 lb flour 7.71 for 1 ton bran 16.00 Budd for plow & repairs 17.00 horse shoeing 2.00 blacksmithing 3.00 rec'd for use of horsepower 1.00 sold 16 doz eggs 1.94 dry goods .50 241
1892 Aug 22 Paid L Sturtevant for work 7.25 Ray Rogers for work 7.25 L Reid for shaver mending 0.25 243
1892 Aug 27 Shoeing Jennie 0.20 sold calfs 11.00 F Cummings for mower 45.00 Mrs. Miller for meat 5.00 C Wilcox for corn + oats 15.00 Fred Swanson for work 5.00 243
1892 Oct 2 7 Threshing Jabe Love 50.00 244
1892 Dec 24 Coal for tank heater 2.50 Budd for repair 4.50 245
1893 Jan ? Seat rent 7.00 Budd for rods 0.30 245
1893 Feb 23 Tax on wood land 1.71 245
1893 Mar 1 Paid L Dodge for calf $40.00 freight on butter .40 horse shoeing $1.40 supper 0.10 246
1893 June 5 B Budd for drag 15.00 repairing 5.00 L S Fylen 7.78 247
1893 Aug 12 J D Ralston wagon etc 178.00 sold 22 head cattle 365.00 100# flour 20.30 Gravestone 60.00 Budd for repairs $6.25 247
1893 Oct 14 Paid for manse 50.00 W Brown for sorghum 5.87 seat rents 9.00 D McDonald for colt 12.00 C Rhoads 12.00 H White 20.00 P W Ralston for work 32.00 P W Ralston note & int 132.00 W Cunningham 13.00 peaches & grapes 0.55 248
1894 June 12 Sold Bell for 25 Daisy for 50 sociable .55 groceries 1.09 drugs .50 stabling .15 dinner .55 600 lb flour 12.60 249
1883 - 1896 Hired Help- James Granger, Reed, Louis Yahr, August Savel, Gust Johnson, Charlie O Holmer, Rich Lundry, J A Burglund, John Holland, Henry White, Oscar Larson, Andrew Borison, Fred Nelson 250 - 258
1893 Feb 1 Henry White began work Feb 1 @ 240 a year 257
1894 Jan 17 Paid H White balance 195 257
1894 Feb 1 H White began work @ 225 a year 257
1882-1885 Cream sold 274 - 284
1897 Sep f McMichaels interest 4.00 285
1888 May 22 Fruit trees ordered, Fairmont Nurseries LeMars, Iowa, and orchard plan 286 - 287
1885 Feb Mar House addition construction payees; W D Kenzei, Hall McLane & Co, Frederich & Beach, D W Wooster, E J Wooster, J W Rogers, F W Warner F Reed, John Jacobson, S Zhar $2,060.16 total. Items appear on day paid. 288 -294
1883 Dec 10 List of fruit trees ordered $23.75 295
1885 Feb-May Dwelling House construction $984.54 total. Items appear on day paid. 296
1887 May 31 Windmill for barnyard well 81.00 pd, Holcomb Bros, Beloit, Wis. 40' tower, 2.75" cylinder, 10' mill Receipt May 31,
1881 Jun 4- 11 Wolf Creek Bridge construction P W Ralston, P Swanson, Eugene Goff, A C Ralston, L F Hall, David Watterson, C Vincent, 298 - 300

Date Item Page in book
1895 May 31 Dry goods 4.98 stabling .15 L. McTaggart 208.17 Elizabeth Ralston 32.00 5
1895 Dec 23 Groceries 1.05 dry goods 4.00 paid A Lovejoy for four rooster 4.00 K McCurry for pepper 1.00 fixing dishpan .25 present .40 6,6
1896 Feb 4 Paid G Gordon saw wood 3.00 L Burdick 1.50 Eli Burdick 1.25 seat rent 10.00 Whiting for coal 10.00 cream check 35.50 Wedding present 1.65 church pamphlets @ 25¢ 1.75 Picture of church 4.20 Roscoe entertainment 1.00 paid R R Allen 2.00 sold 85 bu. 12.65 stamps .10 6
1896 May 14 W W Budd Paid 5.55 7
1898 Feb 18 Record deeds 1.50 lemons .25 stabling .15 15
1898 Apr 2 Recording deed .75 dehorning .50 18
1898 Apr 22 Recording deeds 2.25 f posts 2.00 19
1898 June 28 Hay rake 20.50 2 oil cans .20 meat 1.70 tin ware .65 20
1899 Aug 18 Paid for buggy $45 cash & old buggy $55 28
1900 Oct 8 Carriage $70.00 lap robe 4.75 hair cut .25 wire .12 soldering .10 shovel .45 pears .25 40
1900 Oct 15 Snaps .25 3 chairs & stamp 3.50 Belle present [Isaabelle married James Smith on October 18, 1900] 8.50 40
1900 Nov 26 Milk cans 1.00 swill pails .20 medicines 1.50 H Rogers work 38.25 40
1901 Feb 25 Expectorant 1.00 whiskey .35 43
1901 Mar 16 1080 lb coal 4.40 grinding feed 4.70 H Rogers work 18.50 G Gordon sawing wood 6.00 43
1901 Apr 15 Groceries 2,30 box rent 4,00 drilling at house 43.00 well tubing 23.85 well at pasture 34.00 tubing 22.80 pump & pipes 18.20 44
1901 May 20 Wind mill 45.00 tank & pump 25.00 45
1902 Jan 18 Bought horse of Ross Buchanan 67.50 52
1902 Feb 18 Paid tax 77.76 personal 16.50 woodland 1.54 cookies .20 box rent 10 soldering .05 53
1902 May 8 Groceries 2.25 F B Cummings for plow and planter 85.00 fixing pump 2.00 55
1902 July 15 10 lbs butter 2.25 Mrs. Pettis for cutting 18 acre Rye 10.25 59
1902 Aug 23 For wagon $50.00 60
1902 Aug 27 B F Cummings 200 lb twine 24.00 15 lb twine 21.00 60
1903 Feb 9 Whiskey .35 65
1903 Mar 26 P W Ralston draft 15.00 J Barnes dehorning .35 66
1903 May 1 Put 34 head cattle to pasture- 11 calves, 12 yearlings, 11 cows 76
1903 May 15 Sold to F Cummings 6 sheep 29.75 76
1903 May 29 Finished planting May 29th. For drilling corn use small plates and run chain on large wheel behind and small wheel in front 67
1903 Dec 31 Total for cream 656.87 total income $2875.37 78
1904 Mar 13 Sold to F B Cummings 20 head cattle $575.20 and 212.45 79
1904 Apr 11 Milk tank 7.00 harness repair 2.15 money order 0.10 groceries 2.45 P W Ralston interest 26.00 83
1904 May 28 Finished planting May 28 81
1904 Jun 4 Groceries 1.13 Mary Bell McDonald wedding present 1.50 [She was married to M. J. Andrew on June 2, 1904] 84
1904 Aug 4 F B Cummings for manure spreader 120.00 grain binder 120.00 150 lbs twine 17.45 85
1904 Oct 18 Bread .30 80 rods fence 17.60 50 posts 7.50 braces& staples 1.00 one ton coal 4.50 86
1905 Mar 13 Belle Smith interest 90.00 Delhi Church 0.10 88
1905 Apr 28 Subscription Morning star 3.00 paid interest to Mrs. T Ralston 100.00 89
1905 May 4 Put 27 head cattle to pasture 89
1905 May 15 Shearing 40 sheep 2.40 washing .65 shirt .50 wool twine .82 89
1905 July 27 Paid Mr. Belshaw for shingling barn 32.00 91
1905 Sep 23 Fred Reid for eave troughs on barn 15.00 house 13.42 92
1905 Nov 17 Jabez Love threshing oats 24.65 rye 9.75 4 bag timothy 1.00 Hutchins & Whiting 33.18 freight on potatoes 1.02 groceries .62 93
1905 Dec 4 Carfare .40 coal stove 40.00 freight on stove 1.50 cap & wristlets .90 head powders .25 blankets 5.50 meat 1.05 groceries .90 Presbyterian Banner 4.00 thank offering 2.00 Bible Society 1.00 93
1906 Mar 19 D & G Ralston for set harness 35.00 fish .60 102
1906 Jun 22 Freight on b meal .25 24 qt strawberries 1.75 80 rods fence 20.00 track & rollers 3.18 two plank 1.40 staples .30 103
1906 Aug 8 W W Budd Paid 2.80 103
1906 Aug 25 Groceries 2.6o T & K Ralston 14.00 104
1906 Oct 16 Hutchins & Whiting corn binder 112.50 160 fence posts 28.80 160 rods fence 41.20 bbl salt 1.15 2 bags cement 1.40 3 plank 1.59 staples .40 groceries .10 104
1906 Dec 6 Carfare .40 meat .32 Will Price 1 yrs wages $330.00 105
1907 May 31 Shearing 35 sheep 2.50 sharpening cultivator shovels 2.00 112
1907 Aug 23 F Cummings for mower 45.00 hay loader 58.00 side rake 48.00 hog waterer 2.00 113
1907 Aug 30 Carfare to Janesville 1.35 present for Thomas 1.25 candy & peanuts .30 stabling .15 113
1907 Sep 5 Sharp gangs 1.40 bbl& grapes .25 T J Ralston work 20.00 Ken Ralston 10.00 114
1907 Nov 1 Hutchins & Whiting 2500 coal 6.25 lumber for shed 8.48 gravel roofing 22.50 4 pair hangers 2.60 60 ft track 3.30 nails .45 bbl salt 1.15 sharp plow .55 kerosene .65 115
1907 Dc 24 Trip to Chicago 5.00 115
1908 May 29 F B Cummings for lightening rods $100.00 repairs for manure spreader 1.65 planter repair 1.00 124
1908 Sep 4 T J Ralston $40.00 Ken Ralston 15.00 125
1908 Sep 23 W Budd set tires 1.50 repairing 3.25 125
1908 Nov 4 Drugs .40 Catalpa trees 24.00 clothes bars .90 126
1908 Dec 6 Trip to Chicago 5.00 126
1908 Dec 22 Mrs. Thos Ralston $60 interest and 40 present; 100.00 126
1909 May 15 Groceries 3.00 W W Budd for bolts 1.60 133
1909 Aug 25 W W Budd paid 1.75 picnic .35 134
1909 Aug 31 T Ralston 50.00 Kenneth M Ralston 25.00 134
1909 April 17 Expense for building Barn- April 17 through Dec 14 135
1909 Apr 17 Paid N S Kocher for framing barn $70.00 135
1909 Apr 23 Hutchins & Whiting for lumber 500.00 135
1909 May 14 Frank Johnson for 41 yds cement foundation 112.50 135
1909 June 10 Rockton Hardware Co 64.69 135
1909 June 24 Harry Hutchins for 27 loads gravel 4.05 135
1909 July 15 N S Kocehr carpenter work 143.90 110 sks cement 40.48 5 windows 1.87 135
1909 July 15 Hutchins & Whiting lumber 98.76 F B Cummings for 235 ft lightening rod 44.64 135
1909 Sept 18 A J Rice for moving two buildings 42.00 135
1909 Nov 10 Hutchins & Whiting 65.00 Wind Mill 30.00 water tank 135
1909 Oct 7 Jim Parker for shingling granary 5.00 14 bundles shingles 15 135
1909 Dec 14 J W Parker for painting 20.16 135
1909 Aug 8 1910 paid J W Parker for painting barns 26.00 135
1910 Jan 10 Albert Burkman for pig 16.00 137
1910 Jan 27 Frank Coleman for pump and cylinder 9.50 pipe & rod 2.50 pump work 5.00 137
1910 Jan 14 Groceries 4.40 set 2 shoes .40 hauling milk 3.50 12 lbs butter 4.32 137
1910 Mar 1 P W Ralston int. 24.00 137
1910 Jul 16 Will Budd for buggy 100.00 lap robe 1.00 sweat pads 1.40 set tire .50 2 fork handles .40 file 2 saws .50 2 straps .70 hay rack irons 1.60 139
1910 Aug 10 W W Budd Wagon tires 2.00, 3 manure spreader tires 2.00, bit 0.25 139
1910 Sep 1 T J Ralston 60.00 Kenneth Ralston 30.00 money order .30 139
1911 Jul 12 Hutchins 7 Whiting for 27 bundle shingles 24.55 ton middlings 25.00 ladder 3.60 bran 1.70 nails .75 groceries 2.50 144
1911 Sep 2 Kenneth Ralston 35.00 148
1912 Mar 18 Kalamazoo Silo 271.08 150
1912 Apr 30 Cemetery association 6.00 pew rent 9.00 151
1912 Jun 1 Groceries 1.25 Budd Two tongues 3.00, two pads & brush 1.15 pair whiffle trees 2.00 151
1912 Jul 1 Oil stove 10.00 flour & groceries 2.23 Richardson pump work 6.75 Whiting for cement 2.19 windmill repairs 1.00 151
1912 Aug 20 Paid Elmer Porter for threshing oats 43.90 rye 36.90 wheat 2.70 timothy 3.50 89 gal oil 12.46 156
1912 Sep 2 Kenneth Ralston for work 53.00 156
1912 Sep 23 Dan Ralston for cement 5.28 156
1912 Oct 15 W W Budd Repair work 5.40 156
1912 Oct 23 Elmer Porter for filling silo 17.00 156
1912 Oct 30 Twine 300# 25.50 platform canvas 5.75 binder repair + oil 3.10 157
1912 Nov 15 Carfare .40 meat + sausage 2.00 filling five teeth 12.00 157
1913 Feb 9 Pew rent 10.50 shingling church shed 12.80 three subscriptions to Wallace Farmer 2.25 158
1913 Feb 13 10 ft seeder 19.00 2 sks flour 2.80 for set dishes 1.10 158
1913 May 12 W W Budd for 3 section harrow 20.00 sweat pad + rod thread 1.90 groceries 1.35 lays for gang plow 5.25 sharpen plow .50 159
1913 Aug 1 Budd Repair 2.40, eave trough 2.80 164
1913 Sep 7 Kenneth Ralston for work 60.00 164
1913 Sep 16 Elmer Porter threshing 41.41 filling silo 23.12 164
1916 Dec 10 Coal 5.25 Chas Carty shredding 25.00 Rudy Peterson 2.00 Geo McDonald 2.00 oil .25 165
1914 Jan 10 DeLaval Separator 82.50 166
1914 Jan 22 Carfare .40 Victrola instrument 75.00 6 records 4.50 166
1914 Mar 16 Budd for halter & grease 1.95, hardware 1.25 166
1914 May 28 Carfare .40 carpet for parlor 22.50 carpet bedroom 12.75 paper for floor 2.35 securing carpet 2.33 for secretary 22.25 center table 19.50 167
1914 May 29 Subscription to Redwood Gazette 4.50 167
1914 Jul 22 W W Budd repair 1.85 rivets & grease 0.45 171
1914 Sep 29 Church piano 10.00 172
1914 Oct 3 Elmer Porter filling silo 25.00 threshing oats 31.50 rye 10.08 172
1914-1915 1914-1915 cream, livestock, grain and eggs income 174 - 175
1915 Jan 15 Carfare .40 filling 3 teeth 9.00 178
1915 Jan 19 To Patterson Co for shelled corn 287.76 one half 143.88 one ton cotton seed meal 32.00 one half 16.00 500 cwt. Feed 6.50 one half 3.25 178
1915 Feb 26 Taxes personal 17.03 Real Estate 160.75 woodland 2.93 178
1915 Mar 20 Budd for metal wheels 14.50, repair wagon 2.25, 2 horse brushes 0.50 179
1915 Apr 15 Carfare .40 bacon 1.05 Evelyn Ralston watch 25.00 179
1915 May 7 Wm Mitchell for hog 20.08 12 lb butter 3.60 179
1915 Apr 23 Auto expenses car 1300.00 tire 25.00 oil 2.81 license 4.00 notary pub & money order .30 oil .60 gas 1.80 181
1915 Jun 1 Tire tester 1.00 5 gal can .40 5 gal hard oil 2.50 chamois & sponge 1.00 gas barrel 5.10 181
1916 Mar 15-Jun 28 License 6.30 50 gal gas 9.25 fixing auto 5.00 50 gal gas 9.25 181
1915 Aug 23 Richardson Imp Co for 200 lb twine 20.00 binder repair 1.65 hay pulleys .50 207 lbs barb wire 7.23 183
1915 Oct 18 Ralston Bros corn binder 115.00 184
1915 Nov 10 Budd Sod plow 36.00 184
1916 Mar 2 Taxes- Real Estate 180.39 personal 18.83 woodland 2.76 Telegram to Kansas 0.63 185
1916 Mar 3 P W Ralston RR fare to Kansas $24.00 185
1916 Apr 18 Budd Plow 15.45 186
1916 Aug 14 Budd 2.00 190
1916 Aug 16 Richardson Imp Co for 200 lbs twine 24.00 binder head 6.25 manure spreader cogs 1.45 2 springs .30 hay loader casting 4.00 190
1916 Oct 26 Patterson Co posts & lumber for shed, nails etc 76.59 coal 31.00 191
1917 Feb 20 2 row cultivator 21.00 groceries 2.27 194
1917 Mar 1 Budd for wagon box 23.00 194

Date Item Page in book
1916 Dec 30 James Carmichael for roan Bull $200.00 1
1917 Jan 13 Carfare .40 F Neumeister for repair Auto 50.28 2 work shirts .89 overalls .65 box collars .25 Morning Star 3.00 1
1917 Jan 29 Recd of H Peterson for pasture 3 colts 18.00 4 head young cattle 20.00 calf skin 1.80 1
1917 Apr 26 Rec'd Cream 50.67 paid Auto license 6.00 paid butter 6.30 3
1917 May 3 Rec'd Cream & butter ½ 59.10 W Baldwin clean cow pd 2.00 butter pd 5.46 4
1917 June 15 Account book 1.50 spark plug 1.00 wire .65 auxiliary 1.30 5
1917 June 22 Hall paper 2.50 gal paint 2.20 ½ gal paint 1.05 floor matting 1.25 two pineapples .30 nitre .25 5
1917 Aug 15 J B Hardy for colt 15.00 Richardson Imp Co for binder truck 23.50 repairs 7.95 W W Budd 4.82 groceries 1.73 6
1917 Aug 25 Sold 21 hogs 929.90 shipping hogs 43.04 7
1917 Sept 3 18# Butter 7.51 sold cream 74.69 7
1917 Oct 1 Sold cream 553# 34.71 Paid butter 12# 5.31 7
1917 Oct 12 Sold bay mare Phil Lenker 160.00 8
1917 Oct 12 Paid Jim McMicken 10 bu. potatoes 13.00 [McMickin, Jas. laborer: S 34; P.O. Rockton. Page 657, History of Winnebago County, Illinois H F Kett Chicago, 1877] 8
1917 Oct 27 Paid West Lane Thresher Co oats 66.21 8
1917 Dec 4 Richardson Imp Co for roller 67.50 Dr Beynon 1.50 groceries 1.30 apples and bakery goods 1.00 9
1918 Feb 21 Taxes personal 30.23 real estate 283.13 wood land 3.48 11
1918 Nov 26 Carfare .20 crown one tooth 6.00 sold cow hide 6.20 11
1918 Apr 3 Two auto tires 63.90 repair grain drill 4.50 12
1918 Apr 18 Rec'd of F E Johnson for 18 shocks of corn 10.80 of D J McDonald for 12 shocks 7.20 of T Burdick for 20 shocks 12 12
1918 June 12 For 5 gal kerosene .60 for lubricating oil 3.29 for hard oil 1.05, rec'd Bert Hutchins for one bu. seed corn 10.00 of Frank Crocket for ½ bu. 5.00 of Rob't. Ralston for ¾ bu. 7.50 of J McDonald for 55 lbs seed corn 9.00 18
1918 Aug 7 Sold to Carty Dever 12 hogs 621.00 pd Roy Allen for hauling hogs 5.00 19
1918 Oct 22 400# potatoes from Pomeroy 8.00, flour & groceries 8.00 21
1918 Nov 14 Sold cow at Pfeil sale for 93.50 and gang plow for 26.00 pd commission 3.58, pair suspenders .50 21
1917 Jan 31 Evelyn Ralston graduating 5.00 23
1919 Apr 11 Jas McDowell, repair auto 24.00 27
1919 May 6 Richardson Imp Co for 2 manure sprd wheels and steel axle 22.40; put 27 head young cattle to pasture 29
1919 May 19 Commenced planting, finished 24 29
1919 Sep 3 Jas McDowell work on auto 23.40 repairs for auto 10.45 1 tire 28.10 1 tube 4.95 32
1919 Oct 29 W P Johnstone for American Furnace 290.00 lead pipe for sink 1.74 33
1919 Nov 6 Anna Swanson clean house 4 days 6.00 33
1920 Jan 5 Thos Ralston for work 20.00 35
1920 Mar 21 Sold Phil Lenker auto 275.00 36
1920 Mar 29 Richardson Imp Co pulverizer disc 50.00 grinding 1.80 stable shovel 1.00 37
1920 July 26 Ford roadster car 700.00 45
1920 Aug 3 License number 4.35 45
1920 Aug 9 Oregon fair 2.10 45
1920 Oct 4 5 gal gas 1.60 46
1920 Nov 26 Clara Hannaman- hospital 18.00 49
1920 Dec 4 Hospital bill Clara Hannaman 18.00 49
1920 Dec 11 Donald McColl shredding 1.24 days 25.00 49
1920 Dec 12 Carfare Beloit .52 hospital 18.00 49
1920 Dec 20 Carfare .52 hospital Beloit 18.00 49
1920 Dec 28 Hospital Beloit 18.00 49
1921 Feb 9 Personal tax 104.78 real estate 475.50 woodland 5.18 50
1921 Jan 17 Beloit hospital 36.00 51
1921 Jan 24 Beloit hospital 18.00 51
1921 Jan 28 Beloit hospital 18.00 51
1921 Feb 14 Thos J Ralston labor 1.50 51
1921 May 6 Put 15 head cattle to pasture; commenced planting 11, finished 23, 72 acres 55
1921 Jul 19 W L Newton painting barns 37.00 57
1921 Aug 27 Sears Roebuck house paint 18.50 green for blinds 3.90 black for doors 1.95 painting time saver .17 sash brush .45 paint brush 2.70 express on paint 2.82, total 30.49 59
1921 Sept 5 Sk flour 2.19 oat meal .25 Wm J C Ralston 5.00 59
1921 Oct 10 W L Newton for painting house and small buildings 61.50 61
1921 Dec 3 Carfare .72 Threshing Machine dividend 21.00 62
1921 Dec 1 Telephone sent Caledonia 10.00 65
1921 Dec 20 Electricity .22 set dishes 25.75 4 pair stockings 1.25 ivory soap .25 Rocking chair 19.00 hair cut .35 bread and bananas .36 pair pants 5.00 66
1921 Dec 23 Tankage 13.50 oil meal ½ 11.50 grinding ½ 2.29 46.5 bu. corn 20.93 roll roofing 2.00 nails 1.20 posts 1.50 lumber for wood shed 12.00 Part hog for butchering 6.71 66
1922 Feb 6 Tax on city property 59.94 real estate Harlem 439.12 personal 93.59 timber land Boone Co 5.19 70
1922 Feb 15 Auto license engine #418 3594 8.00 70
1922 Feb 15 Electricity 0.45 crackers and fri cakes .73 Union Dairy Milk Co 71
1922 Mar 6 Farm lease papers 0.20 bread & cookies 0.44 71
1922 Mar 14 Meat & cakes, pickles .55 wash tub 1.00 bread .18 Electricity .76 Bell phone 3.20 72
1922 Apr 6 Water tax 1.19 Bell phone 3.20 shoemaker last .20 shoe nails .05 pair taps .20 Epson salts .15 meat & pickle .23 carrot & cabbage .12 tablets .25 74
1921 Nov - 1922 Apr Gas Quarters 1921 Nov 28 - 1922 Apr 4 75 - 76
1922 May 3 Patterson Co for posts 30.00 barb wire 11.40 alfalfa seed 9.72 woven wire 8.00 staples .30 salt 1.15 500 cwt oil meal ½ 14.50 77
1922 June 11 Mrs. Newton clean house 2.00 carfare .84 bread .12 strawberries .40 mowing lawn .25 79
1922 June 15 Set dishes Hess Bros Co 30.00, pair taps and nails .25, bread .12, electricity .45 80
1922 Jun 15 Kenneth Ralston and Evelyn Belden married; Uncle John and his mother Jane had moved out of farmhouse. Note
1922 Jul 22 Garage rent 6 wks 4.00 repair auto 6.00 82
1922 Sep 19 Clara Hannaman wages 10.00 potatoes .25 beets .10 electricity .45 sk flour 1.25 bread .24 85
1922 Nov 1 Donald McColl shred corn 25.00 gas for shredding 3.00 Rob Colville for pig 41.00 oil meal 25.50 tin pipe for farm house 1.25 window for farm house 2.25 5 doz eggs 1.72 oil for car .65 gas for car 8.00 88
1923 Jan 8 Thos Greenlee seat rent 13.00 93
1923 Jan 9 Water tax 1.52 Bell telephone 3.00 calico 1.24 repair shoes .10 quart paint .60 93
1923 Feb 14 Tax 1923 House on Woodlawn Mar 3 63.62, woodland Boone 6.26, real estate Harlem 517.15 personal Harlem 90.47 total 677.50 96
1923 Mar 8 Sold cattle 1,647.94 expense 67.29 Argyle wt 22,335 Chicago wt 21, 880 shrink 455 97
1923 Apr 4 Reitch Bros for oak flooring 40.45 red paper 1.20 eggs .27 fri cake .25 98
1923 Apr 10 Carfare 1.68 bread .40 J H Wishman moving 16.20 E H Randall coal 7.00 1 mo house rent 18.00 Bell tele rent .84 A B Wilcox laying floor & varnish 39.65 rec'd Geo B Weeks house rent 30.00 99
1918 - 1930 Clara Hannaman wages Sep 1 1918 - Apr 1 1930 100, 101
1923 May 15 Spark plug .75 Bertha Newton wages 10.00 E H Randall house rent 18.00 103
1923 June 16 Oil .50 winter green .25 oat meal .25 castors .40 rec'd from Rockford house 30.00 105
1923 July 2 Dr Beynon to Dr Mother 64.00 106
1923 Jul 19 1980 lbs of threshing coal ½ 6.14 Orange Judd farm campaign 3.00 E H Randall House rent 18.00 107
1923 Aug 14 Carfare .30 P G Soap .30 cheese .48 pk potatoes .48 Mrn Star .15 John McDonald 12 loads limestone 24.00 108
1923 Aug 21 E H Randall 1 mo house rent 18.00 2 ½ lbs butter 1.11 meat 108
1923 Oct 18 J C Wilcox painting farm house 78.00 white paint 31.00 porch paint 2.95 black 1.80 linseed oil 2.10 turpentine .40 metallic oxide for valleys .45 putty .20 total 116.90 111
1923 Oct 25 Dr Beynon to doctor Mother 14.00 biscuit .10 sugar .95 jell tumblers .40 112
1923 Nov 20 Washing .42 Mrs. Newton clean house 2.75 113
1923 Dec 17 E H Randall house rent 18.00 John McDonald 11 loads gravel 22.00 butter 1.06 115
1924 Feb 21 Tax 1924- Real Estate Harlem 438.01 personal Harlem 98.51 Rockford Real Estate 55.70 7 acres Boone Co 6.58 118
1924 Mar 19 Carfare .84 J H Patterson Co H coal 9.13 W R Coal 5.04 E H Randall rent 18.00 Edward Ralston M pledge 15.00 chair seat .15 butter .48 yeast cake .10 119
1924 Apr 23 3 telegrams 2.20 120
1924 Apr 23 Great Grandmother Jane Ralston died on this date Note
1924 Apr 24 Carfare to Beloit for three 1.82 Shirt 1.50 necktie .50 120
1924 Apr 27 Rosman & Kinzer casket & hearse 235.00 cemetery digging grave 10.00 Dr Beynon 33.50 121
1924 June 17 J H Patterson Co for machine shed material 79.49 E H Randall rent 18.00 124
1924 July 9 Carfare .42 two boots for auto .70 tip 1.25 J P Brown & Son repair auto 8.80 125
1924 July 15 Ralston Bros for tire & tube 7.50 125
1924 Oct 3 Walter Love drilling well 80 ft deep 100.00 well tubing 76.00 other for well 6.00 128
1924 Dec 4 Sold 39 hogs ½ 745.29 shipping hogs 35.79 131
1925 Jan 15 Sold 23 cows and 2 calves 956.85 commission 20.70 hay 3.40 freight 36.80 yardage 8.55 net 887.40 132
1925 Feb 6 Telegram to Redwood Falls .60 sugar .75 tea and cheese .70 133
1925 Feb 13 Trip to Redwood Falls 33.00 haircut .40 Beloit carfare .52 133
1925 Feb 13 David McNaughton died in Redwood Falls, MN February 6, 1925, Husband of Greataunt Nettie Ralston McNaughton Note
1925 Feb 18 History of settlement book 1.75 [The Argyle Settlement In History and Story, 1924, Daniel G Harvey] 133
1925 Aug 4 Commenced threshing Aug 4 finished Aug 21 141
1925 Nov 24 A L Bull to build chimney [This is the exterior chimney for furnace in basement.] 32 ft 22.20 cutting holes etc 5.40 mortar 3.75 Finished husking Dec 14 145
1925 Dec 31 Cream for 1925 $763.31 146
1926 Apr 7 Tax real estate 506.24 personal 96.65 woodland Caledonia 7.35 total 610.24 149
1926 Apr 16 Sold- 9 cows 942.40 bull 121.50 hfr 78.37 hfr 68.87 calves 58.40 pd- yardage 4.70 freight & insp 31.32 hay 1.42 commission 16.09 150
1926 Apr 24 1 ton phosphate and freight 24.86 J P Brown lime spreader 57.00 150
1926 May 27 Sold 17 head cattle- 15 hfr 1192.32 2 cows 134.37 9 hogs 280.78 1 hog 48.10 yardage 7.15 freight 33.82 hay 1.84 commission 18.30 151
1926 Jun 2 CNWRR freight on limestone 52.98 stable shovel .50 Glen Tucker hauling limestone 25.00 George Newton work 6.00 151
1926 Jul 9 T T Moore for milk tank 10.00 153
1926 Sep 7 Train fare to Minn. (4)[Grand aunt Nettie Ralston McNaughton died in Redwood Falls, MN September 2, 1926] 30.88 dinners 2.00 Telegraph to Minn. .45 flowers for funeral 3.00 155
1926 Sep 2 Grand Aunt Nettie Ralston McNaughton died September 2, 1926 in Redwood Falls, MN Note
1926 Sep 16 Bought 27 cows $1,081.35 branding cows 6.75 commission 13.50 fright 31.32 total 1,132.83 155
1926 Oct 30 Elmer Porter 41 tons limestone 90.20 157
1926 Nov 1 S O Wilcox threshing oats and rye 56.10 157
1926 Nov 19 Jury service 46.20 carfare 7.00 158
1926 Nov 22 Rec'd Milk ½ 52.37 Paid boar pig ½ 12.50 salt blocks 1/2 .25 broom .85 Lewis lye and soap .52 158
1926 Dec 13 Ken Ralston for lumber for house 20.00 paint for house 26.08 painting 14.50 12 fence posts 3.12 woven wire fence 15.00 total 78.70 158
1927 Mar 4 Sold 31 shotes 725.90 27 cows, 17 head 1282.71 5 head 293.15 1 at 70.20 2 at 176.65 one at 57.00 one at 34.65 1 calf 2.00 cost shipping hogs 28.18 shipping cattle 94.54 161, 162
1927 Apr 25 Finished sowing oats 163
1927 Apr 19 Butter and milk 1.18 Chas Reed for pipe coupling .20 two cans Lewis lye .30 Rec'd milk 56.41 oil meal ½ 6.00 sack tankage ½ 2.00 grinding grist 1.00 163
1927 Apr 23 G W Hopkins for posts and wire 27.00 oatmeal, sugar, prunes, soap 1.40 163
1927 May 4 E C Oliver for manure spreader 160.00 164
1927 June 30 30 ton tankage Farm Bureau ½ 63.00 165
1927 July 2 Bought cow of O Stennerson ½ 90.00 165
1927 July 23 Bought 3 cows of M P Scriber ½ 290.00 166
1927 Aug 6 Sold to Patterson Co rye ½ 184.44 166
1927 Aug 27 Geo McDonald repair auto 36.50 oil and gas 2.12 commenced threshing Aug 4 finished Aug 17 167
1927 Aug 29 Elmer Porter for limestone 271.40 can Lewis le & bakery .50 167
1927 Dec 22 Sold 40 shotes 885.66 shipping 52.00 Argyle weight 10,270 171
1928 Feb 16 Sold 20 hogs 413.40 173
1928 Mar 22 Tax real estate 493.82 personal 48.90 woodland 6.46 total 579.18 175
1928 Apr 17 Rec'd Milk for Mar 59.73 Mitchell Bros oats ½ 402.04 B J Knight oats ½ 72.00 grinding grist 2.36 5 gal gas Richardson's .82 butter .53 175
1928 May 3 Took in 17 calves to pasture, W Peterson 5 calves 176
1928 May 14 Commenced planting May 14 finished May 25 177
1928 Aug 28 Trip to Missouri 19.50 180
1929 Jan 10 Chas McDonald hauling hogs 3.00 freight on 22 head cattle 29.00 bought 22 head cattle 7360.86 commission 11.00 185
1929 Jan 15 Sold 7 hogs ½ 180.67 Shipping 10.44 185
1929 Mar 13 Tax 1929 real estate 440.83 personal 45.84 woodland Boone Co 6.41 188
1929 Apr 19 Sold 22 head cattle 2 calves 1577.02 + 447.50+117.50+51.14 shipping 65.00 188
1929 May 16 Commenced planting corn 16th finished 25th 190
1929 Aug 7 Commenced threshing Aug 7 finished Aug 17 192
1929 Sep 22 Freight on steers ½ 28.00 cost steers ½ 1506.40 194
1930 May 22 Sold 22 cows 5 calves total 1774.78 198
1930 Jul 30 Threshing start Jul 30 finished Aug 18 200
1930 Aug 3 Gas for threshing ½ 13.80 202

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