Kintyre Cemeteries (also Knapdale and Isle of Islay)

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Gravestone pictures are available for cemeteries listed at the left. Click on the one you want to view.

Cemetery names and locations.
Click on the name below to view a picture of the cemetery
Click on the grid reference number to find the cemetery on a map.
Name Location(1) Grid Reference(2)
Brackley Carradale 179387,641833
Clachan (new) Clachan 176290,656025
Clachan (old) Clachan 176290,656025
English Campbeltown 171000,619650
Gartnagrenach Whitehouse, Tarbert 180000,660000
Kilchatten/Keil Isle of Gigha 164290,648110
Keil Southend 167361,607725
Keil, new Southend 167361,607725
Kilchenzie Campbeltown 167359,624886
Kilchousland Campbeltown 175161,622051
Kilkerran, Old Campbeltown 172817,619390
Kilkerran, New Campbeltown 172817,619390
Kilkerran old (Missing Stones) Campbeltown 172817,619390
Kilkivan Campbeltown 165187,620114
Killean Tayinloan 169566,644560
Killean, new
Kilnaish Loch Stornawy 173950,661650
Lergnahension Kilberry 174035,661615
Ormsary Kilberry, Knapdale 173935,672225
Putechan Glenbarr 166387,634652
St. Bride's Loch Gair 193422,690765
Saddell Saddell Carradale area 178605,632064
Skipness Skipness by Tarbert 191265,657515
Tarbert graveyard Tarbert 186366,668448
Tarbert New Cemetery, Carrick Tarbert, West 184714,667431
Waterfoot Carradale 180149,637345
(1)Argyll and Bute Council, Cemetery Locations.

(2) Instructions for viewing an 1869 map using Grid Reference Number from this list:

  1. Highlight and copy grid reference number.
  2. Open new web page for by clicking on link,
  3. At Old Maps web page, insert numbers into search box, click on radio button for "co-ordinate".
  4. Click on "search" button.
  5. To see it on a modern map, scroll down to bottom of their web page and click on, "View Modern Map", button.

Note: If you can supply me with the missing grid reference numbers I will appreciate it.

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