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Waterfoot Graveyard

Carradale, Kintyre, Argyll, Scotland.

waterfoot (165K)

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An alphabetical list of photographs sorted by the name appearing on the memorial stone.

Please note that most of the images have been added to Find A Grave for this cemetery.
Click on the button bar to see the list.

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Look through the entire list since punctuation will cause some to be out of alphabetical order.

Name on Marker Image Number Field1
BALFOUR, Margaret 554 8
BLUE, Catherine, d.1879 564 8
BLUE, John, 564 8
BLUE, John, 583 8
BLUE, John, d.1921, 76 yrs 582 8
BLUE, Marion, d.1847, 7 yrs 582 8
BLUE, Mary, d.1867, 564 8
BLUE, William 582 8
BLUE, William, d.1848, 36 yrs 582 8
BROWN, Isabella, d.1934, 80 yrs 584 8
CAMERON, Janet, 585 8
CAMPBELL Jane, d.1910, 14 yrs 565 8
CAMPBELL, Alexander, d.1920, 85 yrs 550 8
CAMPBELL, Colin, d.1902, 82 yrs 574 8
CAMPBELL, Colin, d.1920, 17 yrs 575 8
CAMPBELL, Colin, d.1935, 65 yrs 575 8
CAMPBELL, Douglas, d.1807, 32 yrs 570 8
CAMPBELL, James, d. in infancy 565 8
CAMPBELL, James, d.1908, 75 yrs 549 8
CAMPBELL, John, d.1924, 63 yrs 565 8
CAMPBELL, Martha, d.1917, 79 yrs 545 8
CAMPBELL, Neil 570 8
CAMPBELL, Richard, d.1908, 27 yrs 549 8
CAMPBELL, Robert, d.1958, 86 yrs 549 8
CARMICHAEL, Agnes, d.1846, 46 yrs 547 8
CHRISTIE, J. 583 8
CRAWFORD, Margaret, 564 8
DICK, Christina, d.177.., 23 yrs 567 8
DRUMMOND, David 585 8
DRUMMOND, David, d.1829 585 8
FERGUSON, Janet, d.1911, 79 yrs 550 8
FOX, Jessie Ormiston, d.1933 549 8
GARDNER, Anne 558 8
HAINING, Jean, d.1854, 2 yrs., 6, mnths 559 8
HAINING, William, d.1853, 30 yrs 559 8
HAMILTON, Margaret, d.1869, 91 yrs 562 8
HARDY, Isabella Robb, d.1892, 27 yrs 571 8
HENDERSON, David, d.1824, 50 yrs 558 8
HENDERSON, Robert, d.1824, 7 yrs 558 8
KENNEDY Margaret, d.1877, 24 yrs 576 8
LILLY, John 567 8
LIVINGSTONE, Annie, d.1887, 34 yrs 555 8
MACDONALD, Angus, d.1952, 88 yrs 556 8
MACDONALD, Donald, d.1912, 70 yrs 556 8
MACDONALD, Norman, 580 8
MACDOUGALL, Agnes, d.1935, 96 yrs 546 8
MACDOUGALL, Alexander, d.1919, 82 yrs 548 8
MACDOUGALL, Duncan, d.1916, 86 yrs 548 8
MACDOUGALL, Neil, d.1904, 85 yrs 548 8
MACLEOD, Anna Augusta Gordon d.1947, 86 yrs 571 8
MACLEOD, George Sommerville, d.1941, 81 yrs 571 8
MACMILLAN, Agnes, d.1877, 12 yrs 546 8
MACMILLAN, Alexander, d.1918, 38 yrs 581 8
MACMILLAN, Angus, d. in infancy 546 8
MACMILLAN, George, d.1945, 60 yrs 584 8
MACMILLAN, Hector, 581 8
MACMILLAN, Hector, d.1911, 72 yrs 546 8
MACMILLAN, John, d.1939, 85 yrs 584 8
MACMILLAN, William, d.1949, 71 yrs 581 8
MACNEIL, Elizabeth 561 8
MACNEIL, Mary, d.1815, 75 yrs 580 8
MAINS, James 554 8
MASTERTON, Christina, d.1920, 87 yrs 549 8
McCALLUM, Catherine, d.1877, 79 yrs 553 8
McCALLUM, Janet, d.1846, 74 yrs 578 8
McCALLUM, Janet, d.1846, 74 yrs 579 8
McCALLUM, John 579 8
McCALLUM, Marey 570 8
McCONACHIE, Angus, d. 579 8
McCONACHIE, Archibald, d.1884, 88 yrs 579 8
McCONACHIE, Duncan, d., 50 yrs 579 8
McCONACHIE, John, d., 55 yrs 579 8
McCONACHIE, John, d.1852, 87 yrs 579 8
McCONACHIE, John, d.1926, 78 yrs 579 8
McCONACHIE, Margaret, d. 1904, 579 8
McCONACHIE, Peter, d.1885, 81 yrs 579 8
McCONOCHIE, John 578 8
McDOUGALL, Duncan, d.1869 547 8
McDOUGALL, Flora, d.1941, 76 yrs 565 8
McFIE, Daniel, 557 8
McFIE, John, d.1776, 33 yrs 557 8
McINES, Angus 573 8
McINLY, Mary, 560 8
McKELLAR, Archibald 551 8
McKELLAR, Christina, d.1880, 66 yrs 545 8
McKELLAR, Duncan, d.18..3 551 8
McKELLAR, James, d.1866, 20 yrs 551 8
McKINVEN, Ann, d.1914, 82 yrs 574 8
McMILLAN, Archibald, 553 8
McMILLAN, James, 1919, 68 yrs 555 8
McMILLAN, John, d.1806, 2 yrs./6mnths 552 8
McMILLAN, Margaret, d.1889, 70 yrs 568 8
McMILLAN, Neil, d.1876, 81 yrs 553 8
McMILLAN, Sarah, d.1891, 73 yrs 582 8
MENZIES John, d.1895, 58 yrs 545 8
MENZIES, Christina, d.1956, 74 yrs 545 8
MENZIES, James, d.1863, 55 yrs 545 8
MENZIES, James, d.1863, 55 yrs(Text) 544 8
MENZIES, Mary, d.1911, 28 yrs 545 8
MERRILEES, Jessie, d.1955, 79 yrs 581 8
NICHOLSON, David, d.1941, 92 yrs 576 8
PATERSON, Elizabeth, d.1912, 33 yrs 575 8
PATERSON, Flora, d.1868, 66 yrs 566 8
PATERSON, Isabella, d.1938, 95 yrs 582 8
RITCHIE, Alexander, d.1832, 18 yrs 569 8
RITCHIE, Alexander, d.1850, 64 yrs 569 8
RITCHIE, Alexander, d.1883, 37 yrs 568 8
RITCHIE, John, d.1886, 72 yrs 568 8
RITCHIE, William, d.1850, 22 yrs 569 8
RITCHIE, William, d.1853, 2 yrs 568 8
SCOTT, William 566 8
SHAW, Alexander, d.1817, 53 yrs 561 8
SHAW, Lachlan, d.1814, 17 yrs 561 8
SILLERS, Mary 564 8
SINCLAIR, Donald, d.1869, 24 yrs 566 8
SINCLAIR, Dugald, 566 8
SINCLAIR, Duncan, d.1854, 49 yrs 566 8
SINCLAIR, Margaret, d.1883, 39 yrs 566 8
TAYLOR, Isabella, d.1868, 75 yrs 569 8
WEIR, Ann 559 8
WEIR, David, d.1855, 77 yrs 562 8
WEIR, James, d.1863, 5 yrs 563 8
WEIR, William 563 8
WEIR, William, d.1863, 6 yrs 563 8
WILSON, Henry, 552 8
WILSON, Margaret, d.1913, 70 yrs 556 8

Please note that the Find A Grave page for this Cemetery has images added for all the memorial stones.

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  2. image numbers
  3. cemetery name

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